Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Conditions of Use

Welcome to TriageMethod! Triage Method and its associates provide this services to you subject to the following conditions. If you use the service, then you accept these conditions.

Please read them carefully.

This document constitutes an agreement that the service of Online Coaching will be provided to the customer under the terms and conditions listed below.

The parties agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Commitment

The client agrees that he or she will commit to the process of lifestyle modification in order to achieve goals set forth during the screening process. It is the responsibility of the client to execute on the plan of action set forth by the representative coach, assuming that reasonable guidelines have been provided in accordance with the information provided in the client’s screening questionnaire.

2. Timeline

As a client of Triage Method Ltd., an agreed upon commitment period of no less than 12 weeks is required, unless the option of “Love It Or Leave It” listed below is chosen within 30 days of the initial payment. In the case that you choose to terminate the process after Day 30 and before the end of the 12 week process, you will be required to pay the full cost of the 12 weeks.

3. Love It Or Leave It

The client has the right to terminate the coaching process within the first 30 days (day 1 = payment) in the case that he or she is unsatisfied with the standard of the service. A 75- 100% refund will be provided. Where the representative coach determines that an appropriate amount of work was done to the standard expected, a second opinion will be provided by Senior Management (Gary McGowan or Patrick Farrell). In the case where Senior Management determine that the coach has met the standards expected, 25% of the 12-week payment will be retained, and 75% will be refunded to the client.

4. Exceptional Circumstances

In the case that the client becomes ill, injured, or suffers bereavement, the 12-week commitment may be wavered and a refund may be provided. Changes of financial circumstances qualify as an exceptional circumstance in rare occasions (e.g. natural disaster), and Triage Method Ltd. reserves the right to reject refund requests on this basis. Further unforeseen circumstances are dealt with on a case by case basis, at the discretion of Senior Management.

5. Service Delivery

Due to the nature of the Online Coaching process, the client should ensure that they are capable of accessing the internet throughout the process, including essential communication channels such as email, Google Sheets, Google Drive, and WhatsApp. Alternative communication channels (e.g. phone call) may be accessible in exceptional circumstances where a client does not have access to the internet for a period of time, and such communication changes can be discussed with the representative coach.

6. Service Expectations

Clients of Triage Method Ltd. should expect the following components to be featured as part of the service delivery:

i. Access to a Triage Method Coach via email ± WhatsApp or other messaging app

ii. Weekly check-in for Weeks 1-12 (negotiable frequency thereafter)

iii. Response to check-in completed within 48-72 hours, assuming the check-in is completed within the agreed upon check-in window

iv. Access to Exclusive Triage Coaching education material

v. Detailed screening questionnaire completed prior to the delivery of exercise or nutrition guidelines

vi. Tracking documentation to be completed each day

7. Privacy

Triage Method Ltd. will not share the name, photos, videos, or other information shared during the coaching process without the client’s permission. Client Testimonials are often featured on the Triage Method website and social media accounts, but such testimonials or transformation photos will only be shared when prior authorisation has been granted by the client.

8. Payment

Payment/subscription options granted by Triage Method Ltd. include:

i. Fixed 12 Week Payment – this is a single payment made prior to commencing the coaching process. At Week 12, a subscription will be created for a monthly recurring payment at a cost agreed upon prior to the commencement of the coaching process. In the case that the client does not wish to continue the coaching process beyond 12 weeks, this subscription can be cancelled.

ii. Split 12 Week Payment – this is a split payment option that is made over 3 payments at a cost greater than the Fixed 12 Week Payment. This option is reserved for those who request an alternative to the Fixed 12 Week Payment, and is the more expensive choice long term. At Week 12, a subscription will be created for a monthly recurring payment at a cost agreed upon prior to the commencement of the coaching process. In the case that the client does not wish to continue the coaching process beyond 12 weeks, this subscription can be cancelled.

iii. Loyalty Payment – this is an option offered to past clients of Triage Method Ltd., negotiated on the basis of previous costs, loyalty duration, etc., typically offered as a monthly recurring payment from the beginning of the process.  Payment will be made through Stripe, and it is the responsibility of the client to ensure sufficient funds are available in the associated bank account. In the case that payment has failed, the client will be informed of this failure. Where payment is delayed by > 1 week, the representative coach reserves the right to withhold service provision.

9. Non-Competition and Confidentiality

Clients of Triage Method Ltd. will have access to confidential information that is the property of Triage Method Ltd. You are not permitted to share Triage Method Ltd. documentation, programming, or exclusive content shared with you for your education. Repurposing of Triage Method Ltd. documentation, videos, or other intellectual property, without permission, for your own financial or commercial gain, is prohibited.

10. Entirety

This contract represents the entire agreement between the two parties and supersedes any previous written or oral agreement. This agreement may be modified at any time, provided the written consent of both the client and Triage Method Ltd.

11. Severability

The parties agree that if any portion of this contract is found to be void or unenforceable, it shall be struck from the record and the remaining provisions will retain their full force and effect.

12. Jurisdiction

This contract shall be governed, interpreted, and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland and/or Europe (where applicable). In witness and agreement whereof, Triage Method Ltd. has executed this contract with due process through the authorisation of official company agents and with the consent of the client, given here in writing.


Questions regarding our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, or other policy related material can be directed to us via email at: [email protected]