Fat loss supplements that actually work? Well, there aren’t many of them really. Searching for effective solutions to help with fat loss often leads people to look to supplements. In reality, supplements just aren’t that effective for fat loss, and you really need to have your diet, training, sleep and stress management practices dialled in first and foremost. I have talked before about how to lose fat and keep it off for good, and having coached hundreds of people, I can tell you that supplements at best are contributing 1% to the progress you make, and you need to have the foundations in place to get the 99%. However, I know you want to know what is actually effective, and I know that amidst the countless options available, identifying fat loss supplements that actually work can be extremely challenging. So, let’s discuss 5 fat loss supplements that actually work!


5 Fat Loss Supplements That Actually Work


Supplements are commonly one of the first places that people will look when it comes to changing their body composition. But honestly, it should be one of the last, especially for fat loss. They have a pretty marginal effect on your results. However, there are going to be some exceptions here. So today, I’m going to give you five that will have a potential positive benefit, what the science says, the dosages to use, and some additional considerations as well.


Protein Powder

First on the list is protein powder. Protein powder is a really good supplement to use for a variety of reasons. First, a high-protein diet is going to help you stay fuller for longer. Something I like to say to my clients is that when it comes to fat loss, calories are king, but hunger management is queen. If you’re managing your hunger well, you’re going to have a much easier time losing fat. Second, most people who want to lose fat will have an overarching goal of improving their body composition. Body composition changes are a two-sided coin: on one side, you have fat loss, and on the other, you have muscle gain. Provided that you’re doing resistance training, supplementing with protein powder can be a great way of adding additional protein to your diet, thereby helping you to build that lean muscle mass that improves your body composition. Finally, protein powder is versatile. You can have it on the go and you can use it in a variety of recipes including protein porridge, protein pancakes, protein ice cream, and protein balls. We typically recommend that you use whey protein due to its excellent amino acid profile, but you can also use non-dairy alternatives like beef protein isolate, soy protein, and vegan blends.



Number two on the list is caffeine. Caffeine is going to help you lose fat through a variety of different mechanisms. The first and most pronounced benefit of caffeine in relation to fat loss is its use as an appetite suppressant. I think it’s particularly useful to combine caffeine with an intermittent fasting approach for fat loss because you can be sipping on a black coffee or a sugar-free energy drink during your fasting window, making it easier to manage hunger. Second, because caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, it may also encourage you to move a little more. This is important because fat loss is not just a consequence of reducing your calorie intake but also increasing your energy expenditure. Finally, caffeine can have a direct impact on lipolysis, which is just a fancy term for fat burning. This is done by increasing levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the blood. If you want to supplement with caffeine for fat loss, I’d recommend starting with lower dosages of around 100 to 200 mg. As the fat loss phase progresses and hunger increases, you can adjust the dose. A crucial point to note with caffeine is that it’s not worth compromising your sleep to supplement with high levels of caffeine. Sleep plays an essential role in successful fat loss.



Number three on the list is 5-HTP or 5-hydroxytryptophan. 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, which many associate with happiness and contentment, even though this is a simplistic view. By supplementing with 5-HTP, you can see an improvement in serotonin signaling in the body. Some studies show this has positive impacts on reducing appetite and cravings. Since 5-HTP is also involved in the production of melatonin, it may positively impact your sleep if taken in the evening. As mentioned, improving sleep can enhance your ability to lose body fat. If you’re using 5-HTP for appetite suppression, start with 300 to 500 mg about 30 minutes before a meal. Importantly, do not use 5-HTP with medications affecting serotonin, such as antidepressants or monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Always consult your doctor before using a supplement like 5-HTP.



Number four is fibre supplementation. Earlier, I spoke about protein’s effect on satiety, and that’s where fibre comes into play. Generally, we want to get fibre from our diet through sources like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and lentils. As a rule of thumb, aim for 10 to 15g of fibre per 1,000 calories consumed. Higher intakes have health benefits, particularly for gut and cardiovascular health. A common fibre supplement I recommend to my clients is psyllium husk because it’s generally well-tolerated by the gut. If using a fibre supplement, start with a low dosage of around 5g and pair it with about 250ml of water. If your digestive system tolerates it, you can then increase the dose.



The final one on this list is yohimbine. It’s one of the supplements I’d recommend the least and is unnecessary for most. Yohimbine works by increasing adrenaline levels and inhibiting receptors on fat cells that stop fat loss. Because of its stimulatory effects, it can raise heart rate and increase anxiety, which is why I’m cautious about recommending it. It might be useful for those looking to get extremely lean for a bodybuilding show or photoshoot. If supplementing with yohimbine, start with around 0.2 mg per kg of body weight. Like with 5-HTP, be cautious due to potential interactions with medications. Always consult your doctor before considering its use.


Fat Loss Supplements That Actually Work Conclusion

In conclusion, while there are some supplements that can assist during a fat loss phase, the list of fat loss supplements that actually work is quite limited. Making smart decisions with your calories, food selection, increasing energy expenditure, prioritising sleep, and managing stress will account for the bulk of your results. If you need help with your diet and/or training then don’t hesitate to reach out to us about online coaching. If you want to get certified as a nutrition coach, and learn how to get phenomenal results with clients, then our nutrition certification program is for you. If you just want to learn more about all things health and fitness, then feel free to explore our free content and subscribe to our email newsletter. If you prefer visual content, then subscribe to our YouTube channel and Instagram for more content!

Dean McAloon

Hey I’m Dean, performance nutritionist and coach at Triage. I have a post graduate diploma in performance nutrition, and have been coaching people to transform their health, performance and body composition since 2016.

I love lifting, BJJ, reading, music, food and spending time with my family and friends.