Using The 80/20 Rule In Your Coaching

Using The 80/20 Rule In Your Coaching

If you’ve been coaching for a while, you’ve probably noticed a trend: some small changes lead to massive improvements, while other efforts seem to do almost nothing. This is the 80/20 rule in action, also known as the Pareto Principle. As a coach, understanding and...
Understanding Habit Formation

Understanding Habit Formation

When it comes to coaching, whether in fitness, nutrition, or lifestyle, understanding habit formation is one of the most valuable skills you can develop. Your clients don’t just need information; they need transformation, and transformation happens through consistent...
Understanding Problem-Solving for Coaches

Understanding Problem-Solving for Coaches

If you’re a health and fitness coach, whether in-person or online, you’re not just a dispenser of workouts and diet plans, you’re a problem solver. Every client who comes to you arrives with a puzzle: a body that won’t change the way they want it to, habits that seem...
Calorie Counting Isn’t Always Your Best Approach

Calorie Counting Isn’t Always Your Best Approach

Calorie counting isn’t always your best approach. As a coach with years of experience guiding clients toward sustainable, lifelong health and fitness, I’ve learned that the tools we choose can profoundly impact a client’s progress. One of the most hotly debated...
Coaching Resources

Coaching Resources

Below, I’ve put together the most comprehensive list of coaching resources you will find online. This is everything I’ve encountered in my years of coaching. Whether you’re brand new to coaching or looking to refine and scale your existing practice, you’ll find...
The 4-Hour Work Week For Coaches

The 4-Hour Work Week For Coaches

Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Workweek is packed with ideas on how to rethink work, time, and lifestyle. Having recently re-read it, I wanted to do a bit of a review of it, and then turn it into something other coaches might find valuable. I highly recommend you get...