Expand your knowledge of all things exercise!
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Exercise is probably one of the most impactful things you can do for your health, and unfortunately, too few people actually engage in meaningful exercise. Most people are aware of how important nutrition is, and they can more immediately see the effects of poor sleep and poor stress management, but most people are unaware of how important exercise actually is. In fact, most people tend to overemphasise the importance of the effects of nutrition on health, and drastically underemphasise the importance of exercise on health.
Now, this makes sense, because we all have to eat, but we don’t all have to exercise (or so it seems). Exercise, in the modern world, is seen as something that you choose to do. It isn’t necessary, but it is good if you can do it. A “nice to do” rather than a “need to do”. Unfortunately, this thinking has led many people to struggle with their health, their body composition and their performance in everyday life. Exercise is actually a foundational component of what makes a healthy human and it should be viewed as such, if you wish to be your best self.
The goal of this exercise page is to give you a resource you can use to learn how to set up your training program using good evidence-based information and the latest science. However, we want to not only show you why exercise is so important, but to then also help you to understand the fundamentals of training, so you can actually engage in an effective and enjoyable exercise program that is tailored to your specific needs.
We believe in empowerment through education, so we think it is important to have some understanding of the why behind various training principles. Most people unfortunately only really learn to engage with exercise in a choreographed manner (i.e. they follow specific movement choreography and follow specific programs), and this tends to hold most people back from actually achieving their goals.
Most people get too caught up in fancy or advanced protocols but they don’t actually have the foundational understanding of why certain things work or what they should be focusing on. As a result, they don’t have a plan that is actually sustainable for life. They jump from one program to another, they aren’t able to ever get the results they desire, and most of them just end up dropping out of exercise altogether.
Ultimately, we want you to be able to engage in exercise for life, and the only way we can ensure that, is if we help you understand what goes into making an effective training program. The more you understand, the easier it will be to tweak your exercise habits to get results, and actually accommodate the other things that are going on in your life. If you learn the principles behind exercise, rather than just learning about specific protocols, you will be able to make much better exercise decisions, and you will be less likely to fall for fitness marketing.
This is the very same way we coach people, because we ultimately want all our coaching clients to not need us by the end of coaching. We want them to be able to coach themselves, and the only way we can ensure that they can do that is by ensuring they have a good understanding of the principles behind exercise. They don’t need to be experts, but you would be surprised at how far you can go with just a fundamental understanding of exercise principles.
Exercise does tend to be the area that generates the most confusion (compared to nutrition, sleep or stress management), so don’t be discouraged if you feel there is a lot you don’t know. It will all come together with time.
This page is part of our fundamentals series, where we house our content on the key pillars of building “your best self”. Being your best self means you are able to engage with the world how you want to engage with the world and ultimately, accomplish the goals you have in life. Regardless of what that actually looks like for you, if you can get the pillars set up correctly, you give yourself the best opportunities to accomplish everything you want to in this life.
The foundations of the broader society you find yourself in also matter, as do the genetics you were born with or the biology you were born with or acquired (your “biology” could change due to accident or injury, for example, you may have become paralysed, and thus your “biology” has changed), as does your mental and spiritual health, and of course, the health of your local community and support systems. However, much of the foundations are out of our active control, but we can work to set up the pillars as best we can, given the circumstances we find ourselves in. On this page, we discuss exercise, but we do also have pages on nutrition, sleep and stress.
If you want more free information on exercise, you can follow us on Instagram, YouTube or listen to the podcast, where we discuss all the little intricacies of exercise. We also offer coaching if you need help with your own exercise program. Finally, if you want to learn how to coach nutrition, then consider our Nutrition Coach Certification course. If you don’t understand something, or you just need clarification, you can always reach out to us on Instagram or via email. You can always stay up to date with our latest content by subscribing to our newsletter.
Learn how to set up your diet for long term success!
Learn about all things exercise, and how to train effectively for your goals!
Learn about all things sleep hygiene, so you can get good sleep consistently!
Learn more about what stress is and how to better manage your stress!
Foundational Exercise Knowledge
The following articles will give you a very good baseline understanding of exercise, from why it is important all the way to designing an effective exercise program. You can view this as something like a foundational textbook of how to design an effective exercise program. There is obviously a lot more information to know, but after reading this section, you should have a very good understanding of how to design an effective program and how to tailor it to your needs.
Resistance Training
- Resistance Training For Muscle & Strength
- Exercise Selection, Variety and Ordering
- Understanding Reps
- RIR & RPE (Do You Need To Train To Failure)
- Rep Tempo and Time Under Tension
- Training Volume (How Many Sets Should You Do)
- Rest Periods
- Review of Resistance Training Guidelines
Cardiovascular Training
- Why Do Cardio Training?
- Cardio Programming
- Foundational Cardio Protocols
- Review of Cardiovascular Training Guidelines
Flexibility & Mobility Training
Plyometric Training
Foundational Program Design
- Designing An Actual Workout Program
- Training Progression (Progressive Overload)
- Periodisation
- Exercise Program Design Overview
Exercise Resources & Tools
Here you will find a variety of resources and tools that can help you with your program design, and exercise efforts. We have many resources and tools planned out, so please do check back frequently to stay up to date with what we are building.
Additional Exercise Knowledge
We have a lot of additional exercise content in the pipeline, including a comprehensive exercise database, additional articles, case studies, and much more. If you want to stay up to date with everything as it is built out, please sign up to our newsletter. The newsletter will keep you informed of all our work, and it also gives you an opportunity to interact with us and help guide the content we create. Ultimately, we want this page to be a resource that actually helps YOU, so your input is incredibly valuable.
You can subscribe to our newsletter HERE.
Specific Exercise Discussions
Exercise Case Studies
Exercise programming is tricky, and while you can spend a lot of time building out your foundational knowledge, sometimes you do just need to see things in action. Case studies are a phenomenal way to see how to deal with specific challenges, and how to adjust exercise accordingly. You may have a client dealing with a specific issue, or you may have a specific issue yourself, and seeing a case study on the topic can be really helpful in at least pointing you in the right direction with things.
Anatomy and Exercise Database
I know a lot of people want to have a source of knowledge on how to optimise their exercise execution, along with their understanding of anatomy and biomechanics. So we will be building out a comprehensive anatomy and exercise database. This will allow you to see exactly how to exercise with good technique and how to adjust technique to better suit your unique anatomy and biomechanics.
Latest Posts On Exercise
Shift Work and Consistent Exercise: A Case Study
As a coach, I’ve worked with countless individuals struggling to balance shift work and consistent exercise. From nurses and doctors to factory workers and security personnel, I’ve seen firsthand how non-traditional schedules can wreak havoc on energy levels,...
Exercise Program Design Overview
The goal of this exercise program design overview article is to provide an overview and review of all the stuff we have been discussing in this article series on how to design your own program. We have discussed a lot so far, and I know that has been a lot to take in,...
Understanding periodisation is the key to making long term progress. In an article in this series, on designing an actual workout, we walked you through how to design a single workout and a week of training. But you are unlikely to get results within a week. So you...
Training Progression (Progressive Overload)
We have covered a lot of information in this exercise series, and now we need to turn our attention to training progression. You see, you can't just continue to do the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result. Eventually, you are going to have to...
Designing An Actual Workout
So far in this exercise series, we have been discussing a variety of aspects of designing a workout program, and I do understand that it can feel a bit jumbled. You have basically been exposed to a variety of different principles, methods and protocols, but you...
Initially, I wasn’t going to include an article on plyometrics in this exercise series. However, plyometrics are something that are quite helpful (and fun) for a lot of people and their goals, so it does make sense to discuss them. But I do want you to realise...
Understanding Flexibility and Mobility, and How To Train Them
We have discussed a lot about resistance training and cardiovascular training in the exercise article series, and you may be wondering about flexibility and mobility training. How do we integrate that into our programming? Should we be doing it every session and does...
Review of Cardiovascular Training Guidelines
The goal of this article is to quickly do a review of the cardiovascular training guidelines we have been discussing in this series so far, much like we did in our Review Of Resistance Training Guidelines. I know many people don't have the time to sift through a lot...
Foundational Cardio Protocols
Many people are simply not familiar with the variety of cardio protocols out there. So far in this exercise series, we have discussed some of the things you need to take into account when programming cardiovascular training. However, I realise that some of you may not...
Understanding Cardio Programming
Cardio programming isn't actually too complicated or hard to understand, however, there is some nuance to it. It can be difficult for people who are new to programming cardio into their training programs, as they may simply not know where to start. Most people are...
Why Do Cardio?
Why do cardio? A very basic question, but understanding the answer does actually allow you to make much better decisions about your training program. So far in this foundational programming article series, we have mainly been discussing resistance training principles...
Review of Resistance Training Guidelines
The goal of this article is to provide an overview and review of the resistance training guidelines we have been discussing in this article series on how to design your own program. We have discussed a lot so far, and I know that has been a lot to take in, but I hope...