Can You Be Too Fit?

Can You Be Too Fit?

Can you be too fit for your health? That’s the question that we’re going to answer today and the reason I want to answer this question is not because there are loads of people out there thinking that they shouldn’t exercise because it’s...
Does LDL Cholesterol Increase On Low Carb / Keto?

Does LDL Cholesterol Increase On Low Carb / Keto?

Low carb and keto are popular dietary paradigms for individuals looking to lose weight and/or improve their health. However, one of the concerns for such individuals is whether or not increasing the amount of saturated fat consumed will increase their LDL cholesterol....
Asterisk Goals

Asterisk Goals

We live in an age where all of the possible permutations of choice play out right before our very eyes on social media. You are able to find hundreds, if not thousands, and in some cases, millions of people engaging in every humanly possible endeavour, and celebrating...