Fat Free Mass Index (FFMI) is a really valuable metric to understand, and our FFMI calculator allows you to calculate your FFMI accurately. FFMI gives you a lot more information than simply lean body mass or body mass index (BMI). 

But rather than getting into a big discussion of fat free mass index, I know you want to just be able to use the FFMI calculator. So while I will provide you with some more information about how the FFMI calculator works and how to interpret your results, I will save this for after the FFMI calculator itself. 

While I know most of you are here to simply calculate your FFMI, before you get stuck into using our calculator, I would just like to remind you that we offer comprehensive online coaching. So if you need help with your own exercise program or nutrition, don’t hesitate to reach out. If you are a coach (or aspiring coach) and want to learn how to coach nutrition, then consider signing up to our Nutrition Coach Certification course. We do also have an exercise program design course in the works, if you are a coach who wants to learn more about effective program design and how to coach it. We do have other courses available too.

Fat Free Mass Index Calculator

FFMI & Normalised FFMI Calculator

How To Use The Calculator

The calculator is straightforward enough, as you simply need to select your measurement system (metric or imperial) and then enter your details correctly. Clicking calculate will then give you your results.

The calculator does however require your inputs to be correct to accurately calculate your FFMI. Unfortunately, many people are simply unaware of their actual height and weight. So rather than just guessing at these, you should actually measure them before entering them.

Having worked in a gym for years, where we regularly measured people’s heights, I can tell you that most people are very wrong about their height. So don’t just input what you think your height is, actually measure it.

With weight, the biggest issue is that weight does vary quite a lot day to day. So just use a morning measurement for this, or the average for the week. 

Body fat percentage is likely going to be the input that introduces the most uncertainty. You can use our body fat calculator to work out your body fat if you don’t know it, but if you do want this to be as accurate as possible, then you would ideally get a DEXA scan to measure your body fat. 

Understanding FFMI

To understand the fat free mass index and get the most from this fat free mass index calculator, we are going to have to dig a little deeper into body composition first.

What is Body Composition?

Body composition refers to the different components that make up your total body mass. These components are primarily divided into lean mass and fat mass. While something like your weight is an important metric, body composition tells us more than simply a number on a scale. It tells you what that weight consists of, whether it's muscle, fat, bone, water, or other tissues.

While body weight can fluctuate due to various factors, understanding your body composition gives you a clearer picture of things. For example, two people may weigh the same, but one could have a high percentage of muscle and low body fat, while the other has a high body fat percentage and less muscle. These two individuals obviously have much different physiological environments as a result.

Fat Free Mass vs. Fat Mass

When talking about body composition, it’s essential to understand the difference between fat free mass and fat mass. These two components together make up your total body weight, but they play very different roles in your health and fitness.

Fat Mass

Fat mass refers to the portion of your body that consists of adipose tissue, or body fat. Fat plays an essential role in the body, as it provides energy storage, insulation, protects organs, and regulates certain hormones. However, excess fat, particularly visceral fat (the fat stored around internal organs), can lead to various health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and metabolic disorders.

While some fat is necessary for overall health, too much can negatively impact physical performance and increase the risk of chronic diseases. That’s why understanding your fat mass is important, especially when you're working toward specific fitness or health goals like losing fat or gaining muscle.

Fat Free Mass

Fat free mass, also called lean mass, includes everything in your body except fat. This means that your muscles, bones, organs, and even water are part of your lean mass. The more lean mass you have, especially in the form of muscle, the better your body can function and perform physically. Muscle mass contributes to strength, mobility, and metabolic health, while bones provide the structure and support needed for movement and protection.

Having a higher percentage of fat free mass is generally associated with better overall health overall. This is especially true of metabolic health, as muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, contributing to a higher metabolic rate. 

When we talk about fat free mass, it’s important to understand that it consists of more than just muscle. There are several key components that make up fat free mass, each playing a crucial role in maintaining overall health and fitness. These components include:

1. Muscle Mass

Muscle is perhaps the most talked-about component of fat-free mass, and for good reason. Muscle mass refers to the amount of skeletal muscle in your body, which is responsible for movement, strength, and physical performance. Your muscles not only help you lift weights and perform physical tasks but also contribute to your metabolic health.

Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, even when you're at rest, meaning the more muscle you have, the more efficient your metabolism is. This is why building muscle is a key component of many health and fitness programs. It not only enhances your physical capabilities but also supports long-term health by improving metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and overall energy balance.

2. Bone Mass

Your bones are another critical component of fat-free mass. Bone mass refers to the total weight of the bones in your body, which serve as the structural foundation for all physical movement. Healthy bones are essential for supporting muscle mass, protecting vital organs, and providing the framework for the body to move effectively.

Bone density tends to decrease with age, making it important to maintain strong bones through a combination of weight-bearing exercise and proper nutrition, including adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D. Building and maintaining bone mass is especially important for preventing conditions like osteoporosis and fractures later in life. 

Depending on the activities a person engages in, and their overall structure, bone mass will vary between individuals, and across an individual’s lifetime. This naturally has implications for the fat free mass.

3. Organs

Internal organs, including your heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and digestive organs, are also part of your fat-free mass. These organs are vital for the daily functioning of your body, from pumping blood and filtering waste to digesting food and regulating hormones. While organ mass doesn’t fluctuate in the same way that muscle or fat might, it’s still an important component of your overall body composition.

Organs do generally have some amount of essential fat surrounding them too, and this ideally wouldn’t be counted in your fat free mass. However, it is generally counted in lean mass. This is important to understand, as you will get a more accurate FFMI calculation using something like DEXA (which gives you a truer picture of your body fat percentage as it can distinguish between essential fat and non-essential fat) compared to something like a lean body mass calculator (which gives you a body fat percentage that doesn’t include essential fat).

4. Water

Your body is made up of around 60% water, and a significant amount of this water is stored in your lean tissues, including muscles and organs. Intracellular water (water stored inside the cells) is a critical component of muscle function, as it helps maintain cell volume and supports biochemical processes essential for energy production and muscle contractions.

Hydration plays a huge role in maintaining healthy lean mass. Proper hydration helps support muscle recovery, joint health, and metabolic processes. The more muscle mass you have, the more water your body requires to stay hydrated, which is why athletes and individuals with higher lean mass need to pay close attention to their water intake. 

Your level of hydration thus affects your body composition rather significantly. Better hydrated individuals will have a higher amount of fat free mass, and a lower body fat percentage. This then naturally affects our understanding of someones body composition. 

Ultimately, fat-free mass and fat mass are the two distinct components of body composition. Fat-free mass includes everything in your body that isn't fat (muscles, bones, organs, and the water stored in your tissues). On the other hand, fat mass is the stored fat tissue in your body, which can either be essential fat (needed for basic bodily functions) or non-essential fat (stored fat that can lead to weight gain and health issues if in excess).

The distinction between fat-free mass and fat mass matters because it provides a more accurate measure of health and fitness. Traditional metrics like weight or body mass index (BMI) don't distinguish between fat and lean mass, which means two individuals with the same BMI might have very different levels of health and fitness. 

For example, an athlete with a high percentage of muscle might have the same BMI as someone with a high percentage of fat, but their body compositions, and corresponding health risks, are very different.

Fat-free mass is a critical indicator of physical strength and overall health. The more fat-free mass you have, the more capable your body is of burning calories efficiently, moving effectively, and supporting overall health. Conversely, fat mass can become problematic when it increases too much, particularly if it accumulates in the abdominal region as visceral fat, which is linked to higher risks of diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

Fat Free Mass Index (FFMI)

The study of body composition has been a topic of interest for a long time. Early on, researchers recognised that simple measurements like body weight didn’t tell the full story about a person’s health or fitness. They began to look for ways to more accurately assess body composition.

Methods of measuring body composition where then developed. These included methods to determine body fat percentage. This is a very helpful metric to know, as it is associated with many health outcomes. 

But we know that total muscle mass is also important (you could be severely undermuscled but have an optimal body fat/lean body mass percentage). So we need to know if you have enough muscle mass relative to your height.

Body mass index (BMI) was developed to be able to clarify how much someone weighed with regard to their height. This allowed researchers and medical professionals to quickly assess whether someone was under- or over-nourished. However, it doesn’t tell you the full story, and doesn’t actually tell you much about body composition.

BMI doesn’t differentiate between muscle and fat, which means that athletes or those with high levels of muscle could be unfairly classified as "overweight" or even "obese" under this system. This is where fat free mass index (FFMI) came into play. Researchers developed FFMI to specifically assess muscle development, and to more easily compare the muscularity between individuals. 

While BMI can be a useful general measure for population-wide studies or public health initiatives, it often falls short when applied to individuals, especially those with significant muscle mass.

  • BMI (Body Mass Index): BMI is a simple calculation based on a person’s weight in relation to their height. It’s often used to classify individuals into categories like "underweight," "normal weight," "overweight," and "obese." However, the major flaw with BMI is that it doesn’t distinguish between muscle and fat. As a result, someone with a lot of muscle (such as an athlete or bodybuilder) could end up with a high BMI, which might incorrectly categorise them as overweight or obese. This can lead to confusion, especially if the person is otherwise in excellent health.
  • FFMI (Fat-Free Mass Index): In contrast, FFMI looks beyond total body weight and specifically focuses on fat-free mass, providing a much clearer picture of how much of your body is made up of muscle. FFMI is especially valuable for anyone who is physically active or pursuing strength and hypertrophy goals. Unlike BMI, FFMI doesn’t misclassify individuals based on their muscle mass. For example, a bodybuilder might have a BMI that suggests they are obese, but their FFMI would show a high level of lean muscle mass and low body fat, painting a more accurate picture of their true health and fitness.

What is Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI)?

The Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI) is simply a measurement that evaluates a person's level of muscularity by comparing their fat free mass to their height. It is particularly useful for individuals who are focused on understanding their body composition and muscular development. What makes FFMI distinct is its emphasis on fat free mass, while excluding fat from the calculation.

This is an important distinction because most traditional metrics like Body Mass Index (BMI) lump everything together (muscle, fat, bones, etc.) when calculating a person’s health or body composition. By focusing specifically on fat free mass, FFMI provides a more targeted analysis of how much of your body consists of muscle and lean tissue, offering a far more accurate representation of fitness and health for people with varying muscle mass levels.

At its core, FFMI is designed to answer a simple question: How muscular are you compared to your height? 

When it comes to body composition, not all mass is created equal. Muscle, fat, bone, and organs all contribute to your total body weight, but each serves very different roles in your health and fitness. 

The beauty of FFMI is that it helps you see beyond just weight or body fat percentage and gives a detailed look into the lean, functional parts of your body. 

How is FFMI Calculated?

The FFMI formula is simple but effective. To calculate your FFMI, you need to know your fat-free mass and height. Here’s the formula:

FFMI = Fat Free Mass (kg) / Height (meters)^2

If you want to do the calculation yourself, rather than using our FFMI calculator, you must first determine your fat free mass by subtracting your fat mass from your total body weight. This requires knowing your body fat percentage, which you can get through various body composition tests like skinfold measurements, bioelectrical impedance, DEXA or our body fat percentage calculator. Once you have your fat-free mass, you divide it by your height squared, and the result is your FFMI. Our FFMI calculator does all the calculations for you, so you don’t have to worry about this. 

Normalised FFMI

FFMI is incredibly versatile and useful, however, like any measurement tool, FFMI has its limitations. One key limitation that became apparent relatively quickly, is that it can unintentionally favour taller individuals, giving them an inflated FFMI score even when their muscle mass isn’t significantly higher than shorter individuals.

Why does this happen? Taller people naturally have larger bodies, and as a result, they typically carry more overall mass (including muscle and fat). Even if two people have similar body compositions in terms of muscle-to-fat ratio, the taller person’s extra size could give them a higher FFMI score simply because they have more overall lean mass. This can make it harder to compare muscle development across individuals of different heights in a fair and meaningful way.

Taller individuals have more room for muscle tissue, and their bones and organs are larger as well. This means that a taller person could have a naturally higher FFMI score even if their muscle mass is proportionally similar to someone shorter. This difference becomes especially noticeable in extreme cases, such as professional athletes or bodybuilders, where even small variations in height could lead to significant differences in FFMI scores.

For example, let’s say you have two individuals, one who is 5’6” and another who is 6’2”. Both people may have trained for the same number of years, follow similar diets, and have the same level of body fat percentage. While their muscle mass might be proportionally the same, the taller individual will likely have a higher FFMI score simply because they have more lean body mass in absolute terms. Without normalisation, this taller person could be seen as having more muscle relative to their height, even if their muscle density and muscle-building efforts are on par with the shorter individual.

This is very obvious when you actually look at the individuals, as for the same FFMI, a shorter individual will simply look way more muscular than a taller individual. This is why bodybuilders very often are quite short. Even if you correct for weight, the shorter individual will generally appear to be more muscular than the taller individual. 

To address this issue, researchers and fitness experts introduced the concept of normalised FFMI. This adjustment helps equalise things better, ensuring that people of varying heights can be compared more accurately when assessing their muscle mass and body composition.

Normalised FFMI helps correct for this imbalance by adjusting the raw FFMI score based on height. This adjustment gives a more accurate reflection of muscle mass relative to height, so that the taller individual’s FFMI score isn’t artificially inflated, and comparisons between people of different heights become more meaningful.

The key idea behind normalising FFMI is to factor in height in a way that doesn’t penalise or reward someone simply for being taller or shorter. While FFMI looks at the fat-free mass (or lean mass) in relation to height, the formula for normalised FFMI compensates for the natural size difference in taller individuals by using a height adjustment factor.

The formula used to calculate normalised FFMI is as follows:

Normalised FFMI = FFMI + (6.3 × (1.8 − Height in meters))

Let’s break this down:

  • FFMI: This is your initial FFMI score, which is calculated based on your fat-free mass and height.
  • 6.3: This constant comes from research and reflects the average adjustment needed to account for height variations.
  • 1.8 meters: This is approximately 5 feet 11 inches and is considered a reference height in many studies. The normalisation formula adjusts your FFMI score based on how your height compares to this reference.
  • Height in meters: This is your actual height, converted into meters.

By using this formula, the normalised FFMI provides a score that adjusts for height differences. Essentially, it compensates for the extra lean mass that taller people tend to have naturally, allowing for a more equal comparison of muscle mass across individuals of various heights.

For example, if someone is taller than 1.8 meters (5'11"), their FFMI score might be lowered slightly, since they would naturally have more lean mass due to their larger frame. On the other hand, for someone shorter than 1.8 meters, the formula may increase their FFMI to account for the fact that they have less overall body mass to work with, yet may be equally muscular relative to their height.

Our FFMI calculator gives you both raw FFMI and normalised FFMI, so you can interpret the data as you wish. 

Factors That Affect FFMI

While FFMI (Fat-Free Mass Index) is an excellent tool for evaluating muscle mass relative to height, it's important to understand that several factors can influence FFMI. These factors include genetics, gender, age, ethnicity, and even hydration levels. Each of these plays a role in determining an individual’s muscle-building potential, how FFMI changes over time, and why FFMI scores can vary between different people.

The Role of Genetics in FFMI

Genetics play a crucial role in determining your muscle-building potential and, by extension, your Fat-Free Mass Index. While exercise, diet, and lifestyle choices are essential for building muscle and improving body composition, your genetic makeup establishes the foundation upon which all these factors operate. 

Genetics influence a variety of physiological factors that determine how much muscle you can build, how easily you gain or lose muscle mass, and even how your body composition changes over time.

Several specific genetic factors impact your FFMI and overall muscle-building potential. Let’s explore these in detail:

Muscle Fiber Composition

One of the key genetic determinants of muscle growth is the composition of muscle fibres in your body. Human muscles are made up of two primary types of muscle fibers:

  • Type I fibres (slow-twitch fibres): These fibres are more resistant to fatigue and are used primarily in endurance activities, such as long-distance running or cycling. While they are great for stamina, Type I fibres don’t grow as much in size compared to Type II fibres.
  • Type II fibres (fast-twitch fibres): These fibres are responsible for short bursts of power and strength, such as sprinting, lifting heavy weights, or jumping. Fast-twitch fibres have a greater potential for hypertrophy (muscle growth), meaning individuals with a higher proportion of these fibres may experience more significant muscle gains and a higher FFMI from resistance training.

Genetically, some people are born with a higher proportion of fast-twitch fibres, which gives them an advantage when it comes to building muscle mass. Those with a higher percentage of slow-twitch fibres may excel at endurance sports but will likely have a lower potential for muscle growth, and therefore, a lower FFMI.

Hormonal Environment and Muscle Growth

Genetics also influence your body’s hormonal environment, which is a critical factor in muscle development. Certain hormones play a key role in muscle growth, and variations in hormone levels ( which are largely determined by your genes, but also influenced by your environment and lifestyle choices) can significantly affect how much muscle you can build.

  • Testosterone: This is one of the primary hormone involved in muscle growth, and it plays a significant role in determining your FFMI. Testosterone increases protein synthesis in muscle cells, which promotes muscle repair and growth after exercise. People with naturally higher levels of testosterone tend to build muscle more easily, leading to a higher FFMI. Testosterone levels are generally higher in men than in women, which is one reason why men tend to have higher FFMI scores on average.
  • Growth Hormone (GH): Growth hormone is another hormone that promotes muscle growth by stimulating the production of Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 plays a critical role in muscle repair and regeneration. People with higher levels of growth hormone and IGF-1, due to genetic factors, often experience more robust muscle growth and can achieve higher FFMI scores.
  • Cortisol: Often referred to as the "stress hormone," cortisol can inhibit muscle growth when levels are too high for prolonged periods. It can also lead to muscle breakdown (catabolism) and interfere with the body’s ability to build new muscle tissue. Genetic predisposition to stress and how your body manages cortisol can affect your muscle-building potential, and in turn, your FFMI.

The balance between anabolic hormones (which promote muscle growth, like testosterone and GH) and catabolic hormones (which break down muscle, like cortisol) largely determines how efficiently you build muscle. Genetic variations that create a favorable hormonal environment for muscle growth can lead to a higher FFMI.

Protein Synthesis and Muscle Hypertrophy

Muscle hypertrophy is driven by muscle protein synthesis (the process by which cells repair and build new muscle tissue). Genetic variations in muscle protein synthesis rates affect how quickly and effectively your body can build muscle after exercise.

Some people are genetically predisposed to higher rates of muscle protein synthesis, which means their muscles recover and grow more efficiently after resistance training. Others may have lower protein synthesis rates, which can make it harder to gain muscle mass, even with consistent training. This variation in protein synthesis is one of the reasons why some individuals can pack on muscle more easily than others, contributing to differences in FFMI scores.

Myostatin Levels

Another genetic factor that plays a critical role in muscle growth is the regulation of myostatin, a protein that inhibits muscle growth. Myostatin acts as a "brake" on muscle development, preventing muscles from growing too large.

Individuals with naturally low levels of myostatin (or mutations that reduce its effectiveness) may experience unrestricted muscle growth, leading to significantly higher muscle mass and a higher FFMI. Conversely, individuals with higher levels of myostatin will find it more difficult to build muscle, even with rigorous strength training. Myostatin is one of the most significant genetic regulators of muscle size, and variations in myostatin levels can lead to considerable differences in muscle mass and FFMI between individuals.

There are even rare genetic mutations, seen in certain elite athletes or bodybuilders, that result in myostatin deficiencies, allowing them to build an extraordinary amount of muscle. These individuals can achieve FFMI scores far above the natural limit (we will discuss the concept of a natural limit in a moment), sometimes without the use of performance-enhancing drugs. While such mutations are very uncommon, they do serve to illustrate how genetic factors can heavily influence muscle growth potential.

Bone Structure and Muscle Attachment Points

Genetics also determine your bone structure, which influences your muscles building potential and distribution across your body. Larger or denser bones can support more muscle mass, leading to a higher FFMI. People with larger frames naturally have more room for muscle growth, giving them an advantage when it comes to increasing lean mass and FFMI.

Additionally, the attachment points of your muscles to your bones (which are determined by your genetics) can affect the leverage you have when performing physical movements. Favorable muscle attachment points can enhance your strength potential, making it easier to lift heavier weights and thus potentially build more muscle, contributing to a higher FFMI. For example, individuals with longer muscle bellies and more optimal attachment points may find it easier to develop significant muscle mass.

Ethnicity and Racial Variability in FFMI

Ethnicity and racial background can also influence FFMI scores due to variations in body composition across different populations. Research shows that people from different ethnic backgrounds tend to have different proportions of fat-free mass and fat mass, leading to natural variations in FFMI. Different ethnicities may have different propensities to building muscle and/or fat, leading to divergence in FFMI between different groups. This is largely genetically determined, although there may be some degree of sociocultural influence.

For example:

  • Some populations with African ancestry tend to have higher bone density and muscle mass on average, leading to higher FFMI scores compared to Caucasian or Asian populations.
  • Asian populations may have lower FFMI scores on average, as individuals from these groups tend to have lower overall muscle mass and bone density compared to other ethnic groups.

Sex Differences in FFMI

Sex plays a significant role in determining FFMI, as biological differences between men and women directly impact muscle mass, fat distribution, and overall body composition. These differences are rooted in varying hormonal profiles, genetic predispositions, and physiological structures that influence the amount of muscle mass men and women can naturally develop.

On average, men tend to have higher FFMI scores than women due to several physiological factors. Understanding these differences helps explain why men typically exhibit greater muscle mass and higher fat-free mass, which are key components of FFMI.

Hormonal Differences Between Men and Women

The most significant factor contributing to gender differences in FFMI is the variation in hormonal profiles between men and women. Hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and growth hormone play crucial roles in muscle development and fat distribution, and these hormones exist at different levels in men and women.


This is the primary anabolic hormone responsible for muscle growth, and it is present at much higher levels in men than in women. Testosterone increases protein synthesis in muscle cells, facilitating the repair and growth of muscle tissue. Higher testosterone levels allow men to build more muscle mass with less effort compared to women, which leads to higher fat-free mass and higher FFMI scores.

On average, men have 10-20 times higher testosterone levels than women, which is a key reason why men can generally attain higher FFMI scores. In contrast, women have much lower levels of testosterone, limiting their ability to build muscle mass as efficiently as men. While women can still achieve significant muscle gains through resistance training, their naturally lower testosterone levels mean their FFMI scores will typically be lower than those of men with similar training.


Women have much higher levels of estrogen, a hormone responsible for regulating fat storage, reproductive functions, and other physiological processes. Estrogen promotes the deposition of subcutaneous fat (fat stored just beneath the skin), which leads to higher overall body fat percentages in women compared to men.

This increased fat storage reduces the proportion of fat-free mass (muscle, bones, water, and organs) relative to total body weight, contributing to lower FFMI scores in women. While estrogen has many important functions, its role in promoting fat storage contributes to the lower muscle mass and fat-free mass typically seen in women compared to men.

Growth Hormone: 

Both men and women produce growth hormone (GH), which stimulates muscle growth and tissue repair. However, the way GH interacts with other hormones (like testosterone) varies between genders. Men benefit from a synergistic effect between testosterone and GH, which potentially amplifies muscle growth. Women also produce growth hormone, but without the same level of testosterone to complement its effects, the overall impact on muscle hypertrophy is lower in women.

These hormonal differences explain some of the reasons FFMI scores between men and women differ. Men, with their higher testosterone and lower body fat deposition, are biologically predisposed to develop more muscle mass and maintain a higher proportion of fat-free mass, resulting in a higher FFMI.

Muscle Mass and Fat-Free Mass Distribution

Muscle mass is the largest component of fat-free mass, and it is typically higher in men than in women. This is due not only to hormonal differences but also to the distribution of lean tissue throughout the body.

  • Muscle Size and Density: Men tend to have larger and denser muscles than women due to their higher testosterone levels and larger body frames. This greater muscle mass contributes directly to higher FFMI scores. For example, men have proportionally larger muscles in areas such as the upper body (chest, shoulders, and arms), which allows them to develop more fat-free mass, particularly in response to resistance training.
    In contrast, women generally have smaller muscles and less muscle mass overall, particularly in the upper body. While women can build significant muscle through resistance training, their overall potential for muscle growth is lower, which results in lower fat-free mass and consequently lower FFMI scores compared to men.
  • Fat Distribution: Men and women also differ in how they store body fat, which affects their fat-free mass and FFMI. Men typically store more visceral fat (fat around internal organs) and abdominal fat, while women tend to store more subcutaneous fat, particularly in the hips, thighs, and buttocks. Since FFMI focuses on fat-free mass, the greater fat storage in women reduces the proportion of fat-free mass in their total body weight, leading to lower FFMI scores.

Additionally, the distribution of fat in women means that a larger percentage of their body weight is comprised of fat tissue, even in lean and physically active individuals. This further contributes to gender differences in FFMI, as men generally have a higher ratio of muscle to fat, giving them an edge in fat-free mass accumulation.

Skeletal Structure and Frame Size

Another factor that influences FFMI is the skeletal structure and frame size differences between men and women. On average, men have larger and denser bones than women, which allows them to support more muscle mass and increases their fat-free mass. Larger skeletal frames provide more space for muscle attachment, making it easier for men to build and sustain a higher volume of muscle.

  • Bone Density: Men tend to have higher bone density than women, which contributes to their overall fat-free mass. Since bone mass is part of fat-free mass, this naturally increases men's FFMI compared to women. Women, particularly after menopause, experience a decline in bone density due to reduced estrogen levels, further reducing their fat-free mass over time and potentially lowering their FFMI.
  • Frame Size: Men generally have larger frames, which means they have more surface area to build and sustain muscle. Larger frames allow for greater muscle mass and higher fat-free mass. Women typically have smaller frames, which limits the total amount of muscle mass they can develop, contributing to lower FFMI scores.

Body Composition and FFMI in Men vs. Women

As a result of these physiological differences, body composition varies significantly between men and women, and this directly impacts FFMI scores.

  • Men’s Body Composition: Men, on average, have a higher proportion of fat-free mass due to their greater muscle mass and lower body fat percentages. This higher percentage of fat-free mass leads to higher FFMI scores. Even without intense training, men can naturally maintain a higher FFMI due to their biological predispositions to build muscle and have a low body fat level.
  • Women’s Body Composition: Women, in contrast, have a higher percentage of body fat and a lower proportion of fat-free mass. This difference in body composition means that women typically have lower FFMI scores, even if they are lean and physically fit. The higher fat storage, particularly in areas like the hips and thighs, contributes to lower overall fat-free mass, thus lowering FFMI in women compared to men.

Ultimately, the differences in FFMI between men and women are primarily driven by biological factors, including hormonal profiles, muscle mass distribution, skeletal structure, and body composition. Men’s naturally higher testosterone levels, larger muscle mass, and lower body fat give them a distinct advantage when it comes to developing and maintaining a higher FFMI. Women, with their higher estrogen levels and tendency toward greater fat storage, generally have lower FFMI scores despite the capacity to still build significant muscle through resistance training. Both men and women can benefit from focusing on muscle growth and fat-free mass, but the biological realities of gender will shape their respective FFMI potential.

The Impact of Age on FFMI

As we age, our bodies undergo numerous changes, many of which can significantly impact muscle mass and overall body composition. One of the most prominent effects of ageing on body composition is the decline in fat free mass, and thus FFMI. This decline is primarily driven by the loss of muscle mass, a process known as sarcopenia, and it can begin as early as our 30s, becoming more pronounced with each passing decade. 

Sarcopenia is the gradual, age-related loss of muscle mass and strength. This natural decline in muscle tissue is one of the most significant contributors to the reduction in FFMI over time. Sarcopenia typically begins around the age of 30 and accelerates after the age of 60. As muscle mass decreases, so does fat-free mass, leading to lower FFMI scores, even if overall body weight remains stable.

The onset of sarcopenia is influenced by several factors, including hormonal changes, reduced physical activity, and inadequate nutrition. These factors combine to reduce the body's ability to maintain and build muscle tissue, causing a steady decline in muscle mass over time.

Hormonal Changes

One of the key drivers of sarcopenia is the decline in anabolic hormones like testosterone and growth hormone. Both men and women experience a drop in these hormones as they age, but men tend to experience a more pronounced decrease in testosterone. Testosterone plays a crucial role in muscle maintenance and growth by promoting protein synthesis and reducing muscle breakdown. As testosterone levels fall with age, so does the body’s capacity to sustain muscle mass, leading to a lower fat-free mass and a decline in FFMI.

Growth hormone, which stimulates muscle repair and regeneration, also decreases with age. This further exacerbates the body's reduced ability to maintain muscle mass, contributing to the progressive decline in FFMI.

Decreased Physical Activity

As people age, they tend to become less physically active, whether due to lifestyle changes, health issues, or simply reduced energy levels. A sedentary lifestyle can accelerate muscle loss, as muscles that aren't regularly challenged through resistance exercises will atrophy. The decline in physical activity also reduces metabolic rate, leading to a shift in body composition where muscle is lost, and fat is gained. This shift significantly lowers FFMI since fat-free mass decreases while fat mass increases.

Regular physical activity, particularly resistance training, is essential for maintaining muscle mass and a healthy FFMI. However, as people age, the amount of activity needed to preserve muscle tissue likely increases, making it harder to maintain the same level of muscularity.

Nutritional Decline

Proper nutrition is essential for muscle maintenance, but as people age, their ability to absorb nutrients like protein and amino acids declines. Older adults may also face challenges such as reduced appetite, changes in taste, or digestive issues that make it more difficult to consume adequate amounts of protein, which is essential for muscle repair and growth.

This nutritional decline contributes to the loss of muscle mass over time. Without sufficient protein intake, the body becomes less capable of maintaining muscle tissue, further reducing fat-free mass and lowering FFMI.

Bone Density and Mass Loss

In addition to muscle loss, aging also causes a decline in bone density and overall bone mass. As people age, bones become more porous and brittle, leading to conditions such as osteoporosis. The decrease in bone mass reduces overall fat-free mass, contributing further to the decline in FFMI. This is particularly concerning for older adults, as lower bone density not only lowers FFMI but also increases the risk of fractures and falls.

Changes in Body Composition with Age

In addition to the loss of muscle mass and bone density, aging also brings changes in body composition that can negatively affect FFMI. As people get older, there is a natural tendency for an increase in fat mass, especially in the form of visceral fat (fat around internal organs) and abdominal fat. This increase in fat mass further reduces the proportion of fat-free mass in the body, leading to a lower FFMI.

Even if total body weight remains constant as someone ages, the ratio of muscle to fat shifts, with fat mass increasing and muscle mass decreasing. This shift results in a decline in fat-free mass, which is the primary component of FFMI. Over time, older adults may find that their body weight stays the same or even increases, but their FFMI decreases because a larger portion of their weight is now composed of fat rather than lean muscle tissue.

The Speed of FFMI Decline: Variability Among Individuals

While FFMI declines with age in nearly everyone, the rate of decline can vary significantly between individuals. Factors such as genetics, lifestyle choices, activity levels, and underlying health conditions can influence how quickly muscle mass is lost, if bone density is retained and how body composition changes over time.

  • Genetic Factors: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to maintain higher levels of muscle mass and bone density well into older age, resulting in a slower decline in FFMI. Genetics can also affect how the body responds to hormonal changes, physical activity, and diet, all of which play a role in preserving muscle mass.
  • Health Conditions: Certain health conditions, especially chronic diseases (e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or arthritis), can accelerate muscle loss and contribute to a more rapid decline in FFMI. These conditions can affect mobility, limit physical activity, and interfere with the body's ability to maintain muscle mass. For example, older adults with chronic pain or joint issues may find it more challenging to engage in regular exercise, which is critical for preserving fat-free mass and a healthy FFMI. 
  • Gender Differences: The rate of decline in FFMI can also differ between men and women. Men generally start with higher levels of muscle mass and fat-free mass due to higher testosterone levels. Women, on the other hand, tend to have lower muscle mass levels. This means men have more of a buffer against loss, and may also experience a slower rate of decline in FFMI compared to women.

However, the biggest contributor to the rate of decline is likely acute injury, especially in the form of falls. This likely occurs when significant decline has already happened (i.e. bone and muscle loss has reduced the functional capacity of an individual), however, it can also precede it. After a fall, especially if bones are broken, especially the pelvis, and especially if there is significant bed rest/low activity levels as a result, then the rate of decline in FFMI is likely to be significant. 

The Effect of Menopause and Andropause on FFMI

Menopause in women and andropause in men (sometimes referred to as "male menopause") are significant life stages that can drastically impact FFMI due to hormonal changes.

  • Menopause: As women age and enter menopause, their estrogen levels drop significantly. Estrogen is involved in maintaining bone density and fat distribution. The decrease in estrogen can lead to increased fat storage, particularly around the abdomen, and a decrease in lean body mass. This combination reduces fat-free mass and leads to a lower FFMI over time. Additionally, post-menopausal women are at a greater risk for osteoporosis, which further reduces fat-free mass as bone density declines.
  • Andropause: In men, testosterone levels gradually decline with age, leading to what is sometimes referred to as andropause. This reduction in testosterone contributes to a loss of muscle mass and fat-free mass, reducing FFMI. Testosterone is critical for muscle protein synthesis, and as its levels fall, the body becomes less efficient at repairing and building muscle tissue. Men in andropause often experience a noticeable reduction in muscle strength, endurance, and overall muscle mass, all of which contribute to the decline in FFMI.

Changes in Metabolism and Muscle Repair with Age

As individuals age, there are changes in metabolism and the body's ability to repair muscle tissue, which further affect FFMI. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) tends to decrease with age, meaning the body burns fewer calories at rest. This reduction in BMR is driven by loses in muscle mass, along with the general ageing of the body. This reduction in metabolism can lead to an increase in fat mass if caloric intake is not adjusted to match the lower energy expenditure. As fat mass increases and muscle mass decreases, fat-free mass becomes a smaller proportion of total body weight, leading to a decline in FFMI.

Additionally, the body's ability to repair muscle tissue diminishes with age. The process of muscle protein synthesis becomes less efficient over time. Older individuals become somewhat resistant to anabolic signalling. This means that even with regular resistance training and sufficient protein intake, older adults may not experience the same muscle gains as younger individuals, making it harder to maintain a high FFMI.

Ultimately, the negative impact of age on FFMI is driven by multiple factors, including sarcopenia, changes in hormonal levels, shifts in body composition, and the body's reduced ability to repair and maintain muscle tissue. As we age, muscle mass naturally decreases while fat mass tends to increase, leading to a lower proportion of fat-free mass and, consequently, a decline in FFMI. While the rate of decline varies depending on genetics, health conditions, and a variety of lifestyle factors, nearly everyone will experience some reduction in FFMI as they grow older. As a result, you likely want to build as big of a buffer against this decline as you can in your younger years.

Don’t wait until you are older to start building muscle, start now.

If you are older, start now.

Methods for Measuring Body Fat Can Affect FFMI Calculation

It is not just genetics, sex differences or age that can affect your FFMI, but so too can the exact methods you use to measure your body fat (and the other metrics you input into the equation, such as height). This isn’t quite an actual effect on your actual FFMI, but it is still very important to acknowledge, because it can influence your interpretation of your results and thus the habits you engage in thereafter.

FFMI relies on accurate measurements of body fat percentage, which can be obtained through various methods. However, different methods for measuring body fat can yield slightly different results, which in turn can influence your FFMI calculation.

Here are some common methods used to measure body fat percentage:

  • Skinfold Calipers: This method involves measuring the thickness of skinfolds at various points on the body. While affordable and relatively easy, it can be less accurate if not done properly, as it depends on the skill of the person taking the measurements.
  • Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA): BIA devices send a weak electrical current through the body to estimate fat percentage based on how easily the current passes through lean tissue versus fat. However, the results can be influenced by hydration levels, making it less reliable under certain conditions.
  • DEXA Scans: Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is considered one of the most accurate methods for measuring body fat and lean mass. It uses low-dose X-rays to scan the body, providing detailed information about fat distribution and fat-free mass. However, it’s more expensive and less accessible than other methods.
  • Hydrostatic Weighing: This method involves submerging the body in water to measure body density, which is then used to estimate fat percentage. It’s highly accurate but not commonly available outside of specialized facilities.

Since FFMI is calculated using fat-free mass (which requires an accurate body fat measurement), using the most precise method available is crucial for obtaining reliable FFMI scores. DEXA scans and hydrostatic weighing are considered the gold standard for accuracy, but many people use bioelectrical impedance or calipers due to ease of use and availability.

However, you can still get a relatively accurate estimation of your body fat level by using our body fat calculator. But that does also require you to actually measure and input data correctly. So there is some degree of inaccuracy with this method.

Ultimately, the more accurate you are with your input data, the more accurate your FFMI will be. 

Hydration and Body Water Levels Can Influence FFMI

Hydration levels and water retention can temporarily affect fat-free mass measurements, which in turn impacts FFMI. Since fat free mass includes muscles, bones, organs, and water, changes in hydration can cause fluctuations in your FFMI score.

For example, after intense exercise or during periods of dehydration, your body’s water content decreases, which can make your muscles appear slightly smaller and reduce your fat free mass. On the other hand, if you’re retaining water due to excess sodium in your diet or other factors, your fat-free mass may temporarily increase, giving you a higher FFMI score.

Creatine intake also tends to draw water into the muscles, which can lead to an increase in FFMI scores. Similarly, high carbohydrate diets tend to lead to more water being stored in the muscles, leading to higher FFMI scores. This is also why individuals who switch to eating a low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet tend to see decreases in their fat free mass and thus FFMI score. They aren’t necessarily losing muscle (although they might be), but they are losing water weight. 

Ultimately, to be accurate in calculating your FFMI, you ideally want to be well hydrated and to try and standardise the conditions in which you are measuring. If you are trying to track your FFMI over time, then you want to calculate your FFMI with relatively consistent conditions. Don’t be switching between high and low carbohydrate intakes, going on and off creatine, or eating variable amounts of sodium, and try to take your measurements at a similar time of day. 

By keeping your hydration levels stable, you’ll be able to track your FFMI more reliably over time and see real trends in your muscle mass rather than short-term fluctuations due to water retention.

Understanding the Factors That Affect FFMI

Several factors can influence your FFMI, including genetics, sex, age, and even hydration. The accuracy of your inputs also matter. While FFMI provides valuable insights into your muscle mass and overall body composition, it’s essential to interpret the results in the context of these variables. 

Importance of FFMI

Tracking fat-free mass is an essential component of understanding your overall fitness, health, and performance. FFMI allows you to assess how much of your body is composed of muscle, bone, and other lean tissues, relative to your height. This allows you to better understand how your level of FFM stacks up to others of similar height. 

Knowing your FFMI can help you set more effective fitness goals, monitor muscle-building progress, and identify potential health risks related to low or excessive muscle mass. Understanding your FFMI offers insights into not only your muscularity but also your overall quality of life and long-term health outcomes.

Where FFMI really shines is in helping you better understand your health, and to better understand your physical performance. So let's dig into these.

FFMI and Health

Having a sufficient to high total amount of muscle mass has been linked to numerous health benefits, particularly with regards to metabolic health, immune function, and overall longevity. FFMI is a valuable tool for measuring how much muscle you have relative to how much you could potentially have, by referencing your height and it allows you to compare yourself to others. By providing a more accurate assessment of muscle mass, FFMI can serve as an important indicator of your overall health status and thus allow you to make more informed decisions about your health.

Metabolic Health 

Higher muscle mass improves the body's ability to manage glucose, which reduces insulin resistance, a critical factor in maintaining metabolic health. This, in turn, lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 

Muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue, meaning it burns more calories even when at rest. This supports better energy balance and facilitates much better (and easier) weight management. 

Additionally, muscle mass acts as a "glucose sink," meaning it helps absorb excess glucose from the bloodstream, reducing dangerous spikes in blood sugar levels that can contribute to metabolic disorders.

Metabolic Syndrome 

Metabolic syndrome, characterised by a combination of hypertension, high blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol levels, is far less common in individuals with higher muscle mass. 

Muscle plays a crucial role in regulating blood pressure, glucose, and lipid levels, all of which are essential in reducing the likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome. Those with more muscle are better equipped to maintain healthier cardiovascular and metabolic profiles. The habits you have to engage in to have higher levels of muscle mass also contribute to the metabolic health benefits. 

Heart Disease Risk 

Higher muscle mass is associated with improved vascular function, which can lead to lower blood pressure and reduced arterial stiffness (two major factors that decrease the risk of heart disease). 

In addition, higher muscle mass is linked to lower levels of chronic inflammation (as measured by C-reactive protein), which is a significant contributor to cardiovascular disease. 

Muscles also help regulate cholesterol and lipid metabolism, decreasing "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while boosting "good" HDL cholesterol, all of which support better heart health. This effect likely isn’t a huge one, and you still need to look after your diet if you want to manage your lipid profile, but every little bit helps with this stuff.

Immune Health 

Muscle mass plays an important role in immune function by contributing to the production of cytokines and myokines, signaling molecules that are vital for immune responses and inflammation control. 

Having a higher level of muscle mass can enhance the immune system's ability to fight infections and diseases. Muscles also serve as a reservoir for amino acids, which are critical for the production and functioning of immune cells and immune related proteins, especially during times of illness or stress. While the diet would ideally provide all the amino acids needed, sometimes this is not possible (especially in the case of illness where you may not be able to eat sufficiently).

Cancer Risk 

Maintaining higher muscle mass is associated with a lower risk of certain cancers, especially those linked to obesity, such as colorectal, breast, and pancreatic cancers. This may be because muscle mass helps regulate hormones like insulin and growth factors, which can influence cancer development and progression. However, it may also be related to the improved immune system, or it may simply be related to the health benefits of exercise.

Chronic inflammation, a known contributor to cancer, tends to be lower in individuals with more muscle mass. So having more muscle mass may also reduce the overall risk of cancer through this mechanism.

Cancer Survival 

In those who do develop cancer, muscle mass is a strong predictor of cancer survival, with individuals who have higher muscle levels often experiencing better outcomes. 

This is because muscle helps mitigate the catabolic effects of cancer and treatments like chemotherapy, reducing side effects and improving the body’s overall resilience. Muscle mass also aids in recovery and enhances tolerance to aggressive cancer treatments, ultimately improving survival rates.

All-Cause Mortality 

Higher muscle mass is linked to a lower risk of all-cause mortality, especially among older adults. Studies have consistently shown that muscle mass is a key predictor of survival, independent of body fat levels. Maintaining muscle mass helps prevent frailty, which is a major risk factor for falls, disability, and early death in ageing populations. 


Muscle mass plays a critical role in promoting physical resilience, and reducing the risk of falls, fractures, and loss of mobility, all of which are key contributors to mortality in older populations. 

Individuals with higher muscle mass tend to live longer because of the improved metabolic and cardiovascular health that comes with better muscle maintenance. Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass, is strongly linked to increased mortality risk, but by preserving muscle mass, individuals can maintain their independence and significantly reduce mortality risk. 

Muscle is an area where you can invest in your "physiological pension," securing your long-term health and well-being. The benefits of investing early in the muscle fund of your physiological pension are significant, and you fortunately also get to enjoy the dividends throughout life by virtue of increased function.


Healthspan refers to the years lived free from serious disease or disability, and muscle mass plays a vital role in maintaining physical and functional independence during this period. People with higher muscle mass are more likely to stay active, mobile, and disease-free for longer. This contributes to an enhanced quality of life, as functional abilities, mobility, and pain management improve.

Healthy Ageing 

Muscle mass protects against sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle and strength, which can lead to frailty and loss of independence. Maintaining muscle mass helps preserve mobility, balance, and strength, which are crucial for aging well. The more you pay into your muscle fund of your physiological pension, and thus the more muscle mass you have in your old age, the more of a buffer you have against any issues.

Additionally, muscle mass and physical activity are associated with better cognitive function and reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. Improved blood flow and reduced inflammation in the brain are believed to play a role in these cognitive benefits.

Overall, a high level of muscle mass is crucial for metabolic health, and it reduces the risk of chronic diseases (such as heart disease and cancer), and enhances immune function. Muscle mass not only boosts lifespan but also extends healthspan by maintaining functional independence, preventing frailty, and lowering the risk of premature death or disability. Maintaining muscle mass, especially as we age, is one of the best investments for ensuring a longer, healthier, and more active life. FFMI allows you to more accurately gauge how much muscle you actually have, and thus potentially how much of the benefits you are getting with regards to muscle mass and health. 

The Role of FFMI in Exercise and Sporting Performance

I think most people are aware that muscle mass plays a role in physical performance, and thus plays a significant role in exercise and sporting performance. So you won’t be surprised to hear that FFMI is a helpful tool in assessing physical performance. While some sports are more dependent on muscle mass than others, it is still incredibly important to know how much muscle mass you have for most individuals engaged in sports, especially when competing. You can make much better choices with your training if you know how much muscle mass you actually have, especially if your sport is heavily influenced by this.

The Connection Between FFMI and Physical Strength

The most obvious relationship between FFMI and sporting performance is with regard to physical strength. Sports that rely heavily on strength, such as weightlifting, wrestling, rugby and American football, require athletes to maximise their muscle mass while minimising excess fat. In these sports, athletes with higher FFMI scores tend to have an advantage because they possess a greater amount of fat-free mass, particularly muscle, relative to their height. This increased muscle mass translates directly into higher strength levels.

Muscle mass is closely linked to force production, which is critical for both maximal strength and power output. Athletes with a higher FFMI can produce more force during movements like lifting, sprinting, jumping, or throwing. This is because greater muscle mass means a larger pool of contractile tissue available for generating force during sports-specific activities. This is particularly important in sports like martial arts, rugby or American football, where raw strength and the ability to overcome physical resistance are essential.

Sports that require explosive power and strength, like Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, and track and field events such as shot put, benefit greatly from a higher FFMI. Athletes with a high FFMI can generate more force and power due to their larger muscle cross-sectional area, which is directly related to muscle strength capacity. In these sports, maximising fat-free mass allows athletes to move heavier loads and generate the necessary power for performance.

Impact on Weight Classes and Performance

In weight-class-based sports, such as boxing, wrestling, and MMA, an athlete’s FFMI can have a profound effect on their competitive advantage. Athletes with higher FFMI scores within their weight class are often more successful because they carry more muscle mass while staying within the prescribed weight limits.

Athletes who can maximise their muscle mass while maintaining low levels of body fat will have a competitive advantage because they will generally be stronger relative to their opponents at the same weight. This is particularly important in combat sports, where strength and power can be deciding factors in performance. For example, a wrestler with a higher FFMI in the same weight class as their opponent will generally be able to exert more control and strength during grappling manoeuvres.

FFMI and Endurance Sports

While FFMI is most commonly associated with strength-based sports, it also plays a role in endurance sports. Athletes involved in activities such as long-distance running, cycling, swimming, and triathlons need to maintain an optimal balance between muscle mass and overall body weight. Although carrying excessive muscle mass may be detrimental to endurance athletes due to the increased metabolic demand of heavier muscles, maintaining sufficient lean mass is essential for performance.

Muscle mass contributes to endurance by providing the necessary strength for repetitive contractions over long periods. In endurance sports, athletes with a healthy FFMI will have the muscle mass needed to sustain prolonged activity while avoiding the fatigue that can come from excessive body fat or inadequate muscle tissue. Muscles are also critical for maintaining postural stability and mechanical efficiency during long-duration efforts, such as marathons or long-distance cycling.

While endurance athletes may not aim for the same high FFMI scores as strength-based athletes, having adequate muscle mass is still important. And how do you measure whether you have sufficient muscle mass? By calculating your FFMI.

FFMI and Power-to-Weight Ratio

In many sports, particularly those that require both strength and agility, an athlete’s power-to-weight ratio is a critical determinant of performance. Power-to-weight ratio refers to the amount of power an athlete can generate relative to their body weight. Having a high FFMI combined with a low body fat, improves this ratio by ensuring that a greater proportion of body mass is made up of muscle that contributes to power output, rather than non-functional fat.

Sports such as cycling, gymnastics, rowing, and climbing place a premium on power-to-weight ratio. Athletes need to maximise their muscle mass to generate force without carrying excess fat, which can hinder agility, speed, and endurance. In cycling, for instance, having a high FFMI and low body fat allows cyclists to produce more power per pedal stroke while keeping their body weight low enough to optimise climbing efficiency, when compared to other cyclists who have less muscle and more fat.

Athletes with a higher FFMI are typically better able to convert their muscle mass into functional power, allowing for greater explosiveness in sports that require rapid changes in movement or direction, such as soccer, basketball, or tennis. In these sports, athletes with a higher FFMI often exhibit faster sprints, quicker jumps, and stronger pushes off the ground, all of which contribute to superior overall performance.

FFMI and Injury Prevention

An often overlooked aspect of FFMI is its role in injury prevention. Maintaining a healthy level of muscle mass, as per FFMI, provides better support for joints, ligaments, and tendons, reducing the risk of injury during intense physical activity. This is particularly important in sports with high demands on the body, such as martial arts, American football, and rugby.

Muscle mass acts as a protective buffer around joints and bones, absorbing shock and reducing the impact forces that could otherwise lead to injuries like sprains, fractures, or muscle tears. Athletes with higher FFMI scores are typically better equipped to withstand the physical demands of their sport because their muscles help to absorb and dissipate the forces encountered during competition or training.

In sports that involve repetitive motions, such as long-distance running or swimming, maintaining a healthy FFMI can reduce the risk of overuse injuries. Athletes with insufficient muscle mass may experience muscle imbalances or fatigue, leading to increased strain on tendons and ligaments. Having enough muscle mass to support repetitive actions helps distribute forces evenly across the body, reducing the likelihood of injury.

In addition to preventing injuries, higher muscle mass facilitates faster recovery when injuries do occur. Athletes with higher FFMI scores tend to recover more quickly from injuries than athletes with less muscle. This allows them to return to training and competition faster, which is especially important for professional athletes who need to minimise downtime to secure their legacy.

FFMI and Athletic Longevity

Maintaining a healthy FFMI throughout an athletic career can also have a significant impact on athletic longevity. As athletes age, muscle mass naturally declines, leading to lower FFMI scores unless steps are taken to preserve muscle. By tracking FFMI and maintaining a balanced muscle-to-fat ratio, athletes can extend their competitive careers and continue to perform at a high level for longer.

As athletes enter their 30s and 40s, muscle mass potentially begins to decline due to sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss). Maintaining a high FFMI through regular strength training and proper nutrition can help slow this decline, allowing athletes to remain competitive well into their later years. This is particularly important for endurance athletes (who may have a low FFMI to begin with), where maintaining muscle mass and physical capacity can significantly impact performance longevity.

A high FFMI contributes to sustaining performance levels over time. As muscle mass plays a central role in strength, power, and recovery, maintaining a high FFMI becomes essential for avoiding performance drops as athletes age. By prioritising muscle gain and maintenance, athletes can continue to compete at a high level and reduce the risk of career-ending injuries or early retirement.

The Impact of FFMI on Exercise and Sporting Performance

From improving strength and power in sports like weightlifting and American football, to enhancing endurance in long-distance running and cycling, maintaining a healthy FFMI is crucial for athletic success. In addition to optimising performance, an optimal FFMI supports injury prevention, recovery, and longevity in sports.

By tracking and optimising FFMI, athletes can ensure that their body composition is well-suited for their specific sport, allowing them to maximise performance while minimising injury risk and promoting long-term health. 

Who Should Be Concerned About FFMI?

While FFMI is important for health and performance, not everyone needs to be focused on it. For some individuals or groups, it may not be a valuable metric to track. However, for many other individuals or groups, it is something that could really enhance their health and fitness. So who should be concerned about FFMI?

Athletes and Bodybuilders

Athletes are perhaps the most obvious group who should pay attention to their FFMI. For individuals in sports that rely on strength, power, and muscle size, FFMI provides an accurate measure of how much lean mass they are carrying relative to their height. It is a powerful tool for tracking progress, especially in strength sports like weightlifting, rugby, and American football.

FFMI allows athletes to monitor changes in muscle mass over time, particularly as they follow specific training programs designed to enhance muscle growth. Since FFMI excludes fat from its calculations, it gives athletes a clear picture of how much muscle they are building, regardless of changes in body fat.

For athletes working to maximise performance, knowing their FFMI can provide extra motivation. It helps set clear benchmarks for muscle gain and strength development, allowing them to track their progress against both their personal bests and standards for their sport.

For athletes competing in weight-class sports like wrestling, boxing, or mixed martial arts (MMA), FFMI is particularly useful for ensuring they optimise lean mass while staying within their weight limits. Having a high FFMI while still remaining in their weight class means they carry more muscle, potentially giving them an edge in terms of strength and performance.

Bodybuilders and Competitive Physique Athletes

For bodybuilders and physique competitors, FFMI is a pretty phenomenal metric. The goal of bodybuilding is to maximise muscle mass while minimising fat, and FFMI allows you to directly measure how much muscle you actually have. 

Tracking FFMI allows bodybuilders to see how close they are to their genetic potential and whether they need to adjust their training or nutrition to maximise muscle growth. FFMI is valuable during both gaining and dieting phases, where the aim is to build as much muscle as possible or to reduce body fat. Tracking FFMI allows the individual to track whether they are actually building muscle during their gaining phase, or if they are retaining muscle during their dieting phase.

Fitness Enthusiasts

Fitness enthusiasts, whether they are aiming to build muscle, lose fat, or maintain a balanced physique, can benefit greatly from using FFMI to track their progress. FFMI is far more precise than body weight alone because it allows you to more accurately assess how much muscle you actually have. 

Knowing how much muscle mass you have allows you to make much more accurate decisions with your training and nutrition. If you are trying to gain muscle, but your FFMI isn’t increasing, then something needs to change. Similarly, if you are trying to lose fat and your FFMI is decreasing, then something needs to change. 

People Focused on Health and Longevity

FFMI is not just for athletes and bodybuilders; it’s also useful for people who are focused on improving their overall health. Muscle mass plays a key role in metabolic health, bone strength, and longevity, making FFMI an important metric for anyone interested in ageing well and maintaining long-term health.

For those focused on optimising their health, FFMI helps track improvements in fat free mass. Fat free mass (especially in the form of muscle) is closely associated with improved metabolic function, reduced risk of insulin resistance, and enhanced bone density, all of which contribute to better long-term health outcomes. A healthy FFMI reflects a good amount of muscle which is generally only possible as a result of effective training, which ultimately can lead to a longer, healthier life.

Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass, is a major health concern as people age. By tracking FFMI, individuals can monitor their muscle mass and take steps to maintain or build muscle as they get older. Increasing or maintaining muscle mass through exercise and nutrition helps prevent frailty, reduces the risk of falls, and enhances mobility in later life. As discussed earlier in this article, paying into the muscle fund of your physiological pension is just a smart decision and the earlier you start and the more you build, the better. 

FFMI also encourages individuals to focus on sustainable health goals rather than just weight loss. By emphasising lean muscle mass over total weight, FFMI shifts the focus away from restrictive diets or unhealthy weight-loss practices and toward building a strong, functional body. You simply aren’t going to build a healthy amount of muscle by starving yourself.


Healthcare Professionals and Trainers

Healthcare professionals, including personal trainers, nutritionists, and physical therapists, can use FFMI as a valuable tool to assess the body composition of their clients or patients. FFMI offers more personalised insights than BMI, enabling professionals to create better fitness, rehabilitation, or nutrition plans.

For personal trainers, FFMI provides a clear picture of a client’s fat-free mass. This allows trainers to design workout plans that are more appropriate for the individual. Tracking FFMI over time can also motivate clients as they see tangible evidence of muscle gain.

In a healthcare setting, FFMI can be used to assess nutritional status, muscle health, and physical fitness in patients. For example, patients recovering from surgery, illness, or injury may need to rebuild lost muscle mass. FFMI allows healthcare providers to monitor this progress and ensure that patients are regaining lean mass as part of their recovery.

For older adults, healthcare professionals can use FFMI to track the onset of sarcopenia and recommend appropriate strength-training exercises or dietary interventions to preserve muscle mass and support overall health as they age.

Who Shouldn’t Use FFMI?

While FFMI is a useful tool for many, there are certain populations for whom it might not be the best metric. In these cases, using FFMI could provide misleading information or encourage unhealthy behaviours.

Pregnant Women

For pregnant women, FFMI is not an appropriate tool for assessing body composition because of the natural changes in body weight, fat distribution, and muscle mass that occur during pregnancy. During pregnancy, body weight increases to support the growing fetus, and fat stores increase to provide energy and protection for both the mother and baby. These changes are essential for a healthy pregnancy and FFMI isn’t really appropriate during this time. 

Weight gain during pregnancy is a normal and healthy process, and the increases in fat mass and fluid retention are not indicators of poor health. Using FFMI during pregnancy could lead to unnecessary concern about weight gain when, in fact, it is a sign of healthy development.

After giving birth, many women experience fluctuations in body composition as they recover and adjust. FFMI might not accurately reflect these changes, especially if women are breastfeeding or have different recovery patterns.

While FFMI can be helpful to assess whether any lost muscle mass has been regained after pregnancy, this must be applied at the right time. So I would urge caution in using FFMI in pregnant individuals. 

Individuals with Eating Disorders or Disordered Eating Behaviors

People who have or are recovering from eating disorders (such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, or binge eating disorder) should potentially avoid using FFMI, as it may reinforce unhealthy focus on body composition or trigger negative behaviours.

Individuals with a history of disordered eating may become overly focused on achieving a certain FFMI score, which can lead to unhealthy or obsessive behaviours regarding body weight, muscle mass, and fat levels. FFMI might exacerbate existing body image issues or create pressure to manipulate body composition in harmful ways.

While FFMI is certainly a much better metric to pay attention to for this population (compared to weight, body fat or BMI), it still may not be appropriate. While developing a healthy FFMI does generally require that you fuel yourself appropriately and thus it generally leads to better health habits, it still may not be an appropriate metric for individuals who are dealing with disordered eating issues. 

Individuals with Certain Severe Medical Conditions

For individuals currently dealing with certain severe medical conditions, especially ones that lead to excess fluid retention, FFMI may not be an accurate measure of health or fitness. With conditions that cause fluid retention, FFMI measurements are likely to be skewed and thus provide inaccurate insights into overall health.

Certain conditions lead to fluid retention (oedema), which can affect body weight and fat-free mass measurements. FFMI may be misleading in these situations because the presence of excess fluid artificially inflates fat-free mass while muscle tissue may still be deteriorating.

Conversely, people with serious illnesses may experience muscle wasting (cachexia), which significantly reduces fat-free mass. In these cases, FFMI is going to be low. FFMI may not be a useful tool for guiding treatment or assessing health for these individuals, as the underlying condition would be the primary focus. However, FFMI can be helpful in assessing whether muscle mass is being lost or gained, and thus can help identify if progress is being made in maintaining/regaining muscle mass.

Ultimately, FFMI is a powerful tool for individuals who are serious about tracking their body composition and optimising lean mass. From athletes and bodybuilders to fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals, FFMI provides valuable insights into muscle development and fat-free mass that can guide fitness and health goals. Healthcare professionals and trainers can also use FFMI to provide more personalised care for their clients or patients.

However, FFMI is not appropriate for everyone. Pregnant women, individuals with eating disorders, and people with severe medical conditions may not benefit from FFMI, as it could lead to inaccurate assessments or exacerbate existing health concerns. Understanding when and how to use FFMI is key to ensuring it is a helpful, rather than harmful, tool in promoting overall health and fitness.

What is a Healthy FFMI?

A healthy FFMI refers to an amount of muscle mass that is supportive of long-term health, performance, and physical capability. The exact healthy FFMI range can vary based on factors like gender, age, genetics, and lifestyle, and thus must be individualised. However, we can still roughly categorise FFMI levels, and build a better understanding of what a healthy range is likely to be. 

By looking at FFMI scores across a spectrum, individuals can assess whether their muscle mass is below average, average, above average, exceptional or elite. They can then make better, more educated decisions as to what they should do with their nutrition and exercise to bring them closer to a healthy FFMI range.

Our FFMI calculator will tell you which category range your FFMI score puts you in.

FFMI Categories for Men

Below Average (FFMI < 18) 

A score below 18 indicates that the individual has below-average muscle mass. This range may signal underdeveloped muscle or even muscle loss, which could result from various factors such as inactivity, ageing (leading to sarcopenia), or underlying health conditions. 

People in this category often have poor muscle tone and reduced strength. Factors contributing to this include a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged illness, or the natural muscle decline associated with ageing.

Low muscle mass in this range can have several negative consequences on health, including reduced metabolic function, an increased risk of injuries, and diminished physical capabilities, among many other issues. This category can also be a sign of malnutrition or chronic health conditions that result in muscle wasting. 

For younger individuals, falling into this range is a cause for concern, as they may experience a more rapid decline in overall health as they age, due to having a reduced physiological reserve of muscle.

Average (FFMI 18-20) 

An FFMI between 18 and 20 is considered average for non-athletic men. This represents a typical level of muscle mass for individuals who maintain a generally healthy lifestyle but are not focused on building muscle through intense strength training or body composition optimisation more broadly. 

Men in this range have normal muscle mass for their height, but they are generally not considered muscular. They likely engage in casual or somewhat regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging, or playing recreational sports, but they may not be following a structured resistance training regimen designed to increase muscle mass. Alternatively, they may simply have built up more muscle in their youth, and are just maintaining that muscle now. 

For many men, an FFMI in this range is healthy, as it supports metabolic function and daily physical activity. However, for those aiming to improve their athletic performance, strength, overall muscle mass and/or health, moving to a higher FFMI through targeted resistance training and nutritional strategies is likely to be beneficial.

Above Average (FFMI 20-22) 

Men with an FFMI between 20 and 22 have above-average muscle mass. This range is often seen in individuals who regularly engage in resistance training or sports that promote muscle growth. Their muscle mass is well-developed for their height, reflecting a commitment to physical exercise and fitness.

Individuals in this category typically participate in sports or activities requiring strength and greater muscle mass, such as lifting weights, martial arts, or rugby. Their muscle mass is noticeable, and they likely have a physique that would typically be described as muscular.

Men in this FFMI range tend to enjoy enhanced physical performance, with greater strength and physical capacity compared to those in lower categories. This muscle mass supports improved metabolic health, better body composition, and a lower risk of injury. People in this range often experience robust overall physical health and longevity. This level of muscle creates a large buffer against decline in older age.

Exceptional (FFMI 22-25) 

An FFMI in the range of 22 to 25 is considered exceptional, indicating significant muscular development. This category is often populated by serious bodybuilders, athletes, or fitness enthusiasts who have committed to structured resistance training and optimised nutritional protocols. 

Achieving this level of muscle mass typically involves consistent progressive overload in resistance training, and a disciplined diet, with a focus on adequate protein intake.

Men in this category display a high level of muscle mass, and would generally be considered to be very muscular by the general population. They tend to excel in strength-based sports and activities.

This FFMI range is considered the upper limit of natural muscular development for most men. Men in this range tend to have very robust health, and have a very large buffer against decline in old age. 

Elite (FFMI >25) 

An FFMI of 25 is commonly seen as the upper limit of what can be achieved naturally. Those exceeding this score are more likely to have used anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) to attain their level of muscle mass. 

Research and practical experience suggests that most natural bodybuilders do not surpass an FFMI of 25, though genetic outliers can sometimes achieve this without using PEDs. Being in this range indicates either extraordinary genetic potential for muscle building or the use of PEDs.

Men in this category display extreme muscularity, characterised by bulky, dense, muscular physiques. The ability to build and maintain such high muscle mass naturally is extremely rare, which is why an FFMI over 25 is frequently linked to steroid use. PEDs enable faster muscle growth, enhanced recovery, and greater strength gains, making it more likely for individuals with such high FFMI scores to rely on these substances.

Though impressive in terms of muscle mass, being in this range may also carry potential health risks. Excess muscle mass, especially if combined with PED use, can lead to adverse health effects such as cardiovascular issues, liver damage, or hormonal imbalances. Therefore, those in the elite FFMI range may experience both physical benefits and risks.

FFMI Categories for Women

Due to differences in hormonal profiles (particularly lower levels of testosterone) women naturally have lower muscle mass than men, and the FFMI ranges for women reflect this.

It is important to also realise that there is no female specific FFMI calculation. This isn’t a huge issue for FFMI, but for normalised FFMI, height is normalised to 1.8 meters, which generally is quite tall for a woman. You don’t necessarily need a female specific equation, but this is something to keep in mind when interpreting the data for women (especially when using normalised FFMI). 

Having said that, this is somewhat accounted for when looking over population data and getting a rough estimation of normal figures for women. 

Below Average (FFMI < 15) 

An FFMI below 15 for women suggests underdeveloped muscle mass. This could indicate a sedentary lifestyle, age-related muscle decline (sarcopenia), or health issues that cause muscle wasting. 

Women in this range typically have low muscle tone and strength, making physical tasks that require muscular effort more challenging. 

Low muscle mass in women can increase the risk of conditions like osteoporosis, frailty, and metabolic problems as they age. It also reduces physical function and increases the likelihood of injury. 

Women in this category should prioritise resistance training and proper nutrition to build muscle, improve bone density, and support overall health.

Average (FFMI 15-17) 

This range is typical for non-athletic women who maintain a generally healthy level of physical activity but generally do not engage in rigorous muscle-building exercises. It represents average muscle mass and is considered healthy for many women. Women in this category often participate in activities like walking, yoga, or light fitness programs. While they have a healthy body composition, their muscle mass is typically modest. 

Maintaining an average FFMI is a sign of overall health, but women in this range who are interested in boosting strength, improving physical performance and optimising their health might consider incorporating resistance training into their fitness routines to enhance muscle mass and physical capabilities.

Paying into the muscle fund of your physiological pension, especially as a woman, is a very good idea for overall health and longevity. Your older self really will thank you.

Above Average (FFMI 17-19) 

Women with an FFMI between 17 and 19 have above-average muscle mass. This range is commonly seen in women who engage in resistance training or fitness activities that focus on muscle growth. 

These women typically display noticeable muscle tone and strength, and they likely lead active lifestyles that promote muscle development. They may also participate in recreational sports or structured fitness routines aimed at improving muscle strength and endurance. 

Having above-average muscle mass supports better metabolic health, a leaner body composition, and enhanced physical performance. Women in this range often enjoy strong physical health and greater longevity.

Exceptional (FFMI 19-22) 

Women in the 19-22 FFMI range have an exceptional level of muscle mass, often the result of dedicated resistance training over many years. This category is common among bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness competitors who focus on developing muscularity through structured workouts and nutritional strategies. 

Women in this range are likely to follow intense, well-planned resistance training programs and maintain a diet optimised for muscle growth and recovery. Their physiques tend to be quite muscular, and it would be obvious to the average person that they engage in some sort of resistance training. 

An FFMI in this range is generally associated with superior athletic performance, improved strength, and desirable traits in competitive fitness circles. Women in this range generally experience robust health and longevity due to their high muscle mass and physical conditioning.

Elite (FFMI >22) 

An FFMI above 22 (some would suggest 23 is actually the upper threshold, rather than 22) for women is often linked to the use of anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), as it is beyond the typical natural range for most women. 

Achieving this level of muscle mass without external hormonal support is rare, though a few genetic outliers may reach this level naturally. If you have achieved this level of muscle mass without PEDs, then you are likely the genetic elite for muscle building. 

Women with an FFMI over 22 display extreme muscularity, often with physiques that resemble elite bodybuilders or athletes who have used PEDs to achieve such high levels of muscle mass.

In this range, muscularity is dense and defined, but this level of development is typically not attainable naturally due to the natural limitations of female hormonal profiles. As such, FFMI scores above 22 are frequently flagged as indicative of steroid use, and being in this range may involve potential health risks associated with PED use.

CategoryDescriptionMale FFMIFemale FFMI
Below AverageIndicates underdeveloped muscle mass, possibly due to inactivity, ageing (sarcopenia), or health issues that lead to muscle loss. Individuals may experience poor muscle tone and reduced strength. Low muscle mass increases risks such as metabolic dysfunction, frailty, and injury. Focus should be on building muscle through resistance training and proper nutrition.< 18< 15
AverageRepresents typical muscle mass for those who are generally healthy but do not engage in regular or intense muscle-building exercises. Men and women in this range usually participate in light physical activities like walking or yoga. While this is a healthy range, individuals aiming to improve strength, performance, or overall health may benefit from resistance training.18-2015-17
Above AverageSeen in individuals who engage in regular resistance training or muscle-promoting sports. Muscle mass is well-developed, leading to noticeable strength and better body composition. This range supports enhanced physical performance, metabolic health, and longevity. Individuals in this range typically enjoy robust overall health, with a strong physical buffer against ageing-related decline.20-2217-19
ExceptionalThis level of muscle mass is commonly found in athletes, bodybuilders, or serious fitness enthusiasts. Achieving this range typically requires consistent resistance training and a disciplined diet. Individuals in this category exhibit highly developed muscle mass and often excel in strength-based sports or activities. This range is considered the upper limit for natural muscle development for most individuals and is associated with optimal health and longevity.22-2519-22
EliteMuscular development beyond the natural range for most people, often linked to anabolic steroid use or genetic outliers. Individuals in this range have extremely high levels of muscle mass and low body fat, typically associated with elite bodybuilding or competitive sports. This level of development may come with potential health risks, especially if performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) are involved.> 25> 22

You can also get a rough estimate of how your FFMI compares to the general population by using percentiles. The following table shows the percentile range of FFMI for both men and women. It is based on the following study and shouldn’t be seen as absolutely perfect, but rather a good estimation of where your level of muscle mass falls with regard to the general population.

For example, if you have an FFMI of exactly 22 (ideally you would use normalised FFMI, but as this is just a rough estimation, it doesn’t matter too much), you would simply go down the column of your sex and find 22. 

As a male, you would see that this puts you in the 95th percentile, meaning you have more muscle than ~95% of men (or conversely, you are in the top 5% range of muscle mass for men).

As a female, you would see that this puts you off the range. You would have more muscle than 99% of women. 

CentileMale FFMIFemale FFMI

We can also graph these numbers out.

male and female ffmi

The graph illustrates the general difference in muscle mass between men and women. Here are some interesting points this graph serves to highlight.

Roughly the bottom 30% of women have less muscle mass than the bottom 1% of men.

Across all percentiles, men consistently have higher FFMI values than women, reflecting the biological differences in muscle mass. This is expected due to higher testosterone levels in men, which promote greater muscle mass development.

Lower Percentiles (1% to 25%): In the lower centiles, the FFMI difference between men and women is narrower, reflecting that individuals with less muscle mass have a smaller disparity in muscle between sexes.

Higher Percentiles (75% to 99%): The FFMI difference grows more pronounced in the higher percentiles. For example, in the 99th percentile, males have an FFMI of 23.49, while females have an FFMI of 19.02. This indicates that men are capable of achieving significantly higher absolute muscle mass in the upper extremes of the population.

The gap between male and female FFMI values tends to widen at higher centiles, meaning that at higher levels of muscularity, men generally have a much larger advantage in FFMI compared to women. As you move up the percentile ranks, the gap between male and female FFMI increases.

  • At the 1st percentile, men have an FFMI of 15.28, and women have 13.54 (a difference of 1.74 points).
  • At the 99th percentile, men have an FFMI of 23.49, and women have 19.02 (a difference of 4.47 points).

Based on the data, men tend to have an FFMI around 2-3 points higher than women on average.

This difference suggests that men typically have a significantly greater capacity to develop muscle mass even under non-athletic conditions.

Now, some of this is just the difference in height between men and women. While FFMI accounts for height, this graph is just the percentiles of the population, but the average man is taller than the average women, thus there is likely a difference in height at each percentile between men and women. I also wouldn’t take this as absolutely perfect data, and naturally, the FFMIs of different populations are going to be different. 

The people you most frequently are exposed to in your environment will also flavour your interpretation of these numbers. As someone who tends to hang around in more fitness related circles, I know a lot of men with FFMIs above ~22. So while this is literally an FFMI that puts you in the top ~2% of the population, for me, it feels way more common than this. So your views on this are relative.

However, what we can say for relative certainty is that there is a healthy range for FFMI. We know that there is an FFMI level that below which there is serious reductions in health, and where doing basic daily functions becomes difficult. We also know there is a FFMI where above it, you likely start increasing your risk for ill health effects (either due to the excess muscle mass or due to the things you have to do to get that much muscle). 

So let’s just explore this a little bit more. 

Health Implications of a Low FFMI

A low FFMI, indicating lower-than-average muscle mass relative to height, can have significant implications for overall health. While some individuals may naturally have smaller frames or less muscle mass, a low FFMI can also be a marker of underlying health risks or issues. If not addressed, a persistently low FFMI can contribute to frailty, loss of functional ability, and increased mortality, particularly in older adults. The lack of adequate muscle mass can affect metabolic health, immune function, and physical resilience, leading to a cascade of health problems over time.

Having an FFMI that is too low can affect an individual's ability to perform basic physical tasks and interact effectively with their environment. Based on research related to sarcopenia, frailty, and general physical function, there are a few FFMI thresholds below which physical function may become impaired:

For Men:

  • FFMI < 18: This is considered below average for men and is often associated with reduced muscle mass. While physical function might still be maintained, individuals in this range may experience:
    • Difficulty with strength-related activities.
    • Reduced physical endurance.
    • Higher risk of injury or falls, especially in older age.
  • FFMI < 16: At this level, men may have significantly reduced muscle mass. They are more likely to struggle with daily activities such as lifting things, walking, or standing for long periods. This range could also be associated with:
    • Frailty in older adults.
    • Greater difficulty recovering from illness or injury.
    • Increased risk of falls and reduced mobility.
  • FFMI < 15: When FFMI drops below 15, men are likely to experience severe muscle weakness, greatly limiting their physical function and ability to interact with their environment. This range can be associated with:
    • Sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss), which severely impairs daily functioning.
    • Difficulty with tasks such as climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or standing up from a chair.
    • Dependence on others for daily activities and a high risk of falls, fractures, and hospitalisations.

For Women:

  • FFMI < 15: This is considered below average for women, and while not always debilitating, it may lead to reduced physical capabilities. Women in this range could experience:
    • Weakened physical function, particularly in tasks that require strength.
    • Increased risk of injury and slower recovery from physical exertion.
  • FFMI < 14: At this level, women are likely to have insufficient muscle mass to support effective physical function, leading to:
    • Difficulty with basic activities like standing for long periods, walking, or lifting.
    • Potential issues with maintaining balance and increased risk of falls, particularly in older adults.
  • FFMI < 13: Women in this range are at significant risk of frailty and limited physical ability. This range is commonly associated with:
    • Severe sarcopenia, where muscle mass is too low to support basic physical tasks.
    • Difficulty with self-care and routine tasks (e.g., getting out of bed, climbing stairs).
    • High dependence on others for daily activities, with a substantially increased risk of falls, fractures, and loss of independence.

This leaves us with a rough bottom range for FFMI as follows:

For Men: Physical function becomes difficult and limited below an FFMI of 16, and severely impaired below 15.

For Women: Physical limitations start to become significant below an FFMI of 14, with severe impairments seen below 13.

In both men and women, maintaining muscle mass is crucial for preventing frailty and ensuring that they can engage effectively with their environment, especially as they age. Regular resistance training and proper nutrition can help individuals maintain a healthy FFMI and support physical function throughout life.

It helps to understand the consequences of having too little muscle mass and a low FFMI, as this is often something people think they don’t need to worry about. However, the consequences can be quite severe.

Sarcopenia and Physical Frailty

One of the most serious health risks associated with a low FFMI is sarcopenia, a condition where muscle mass and strength progressively decline. Sarcopenia is particularly common in older adults and can have devastating effects on mobility, balance, and functional independence.

Sarcopenia typically begins in middle age and accelerates as people get older. It is characterised by a gradual loss of muscle mass, strength, and physical function, all of which contribute to increased frailty. A low FFMI in older adults is often a clear indicator that sarcopenia is present and that muscle loss may soon reach a critical point where it really begins to affect daily activities and overall health.

With a low FFMI, individuals are more likely to experience frailty, a condition marked by weakness, reduced endurance, and heightened vulnerability to health stressors. This frailty can severely limit mobility, making it difficult to perform simple tasks such as walking, climbing stairs, or carrying groceries. Moreover, frailty significantly raises the risk of falls and fractures, which can lead to long-term disability, hospitalisation, or even death in older adults.

The loss of muscle mass reduces the body’s ability to protect bones and joints from stress, increasing the likelihood of injuries, particularly falls. As muscles act as a cushion for bones and joints during physical activity, the reduced muscle mass associated with a low FFMI leaves individuals more prone to falls, fractures, and other injuries that can have long-lasting consequences for their health.

Loss of Functional Ability

Individuals with a low FFMI often experience a loss of functional ability, especially as they age. Muscle strength is essential for performing everyday tasks like walking, lifting, or even standing from a seated position. When muscle mass is too low, it becomes difficult to maintain independence and perform these basic tasks.

A low FFMI can make even simple activities, such as getting out of a chair or carrying groceries, much more challenging. The loss of muscle mass leads to reduced strength and endurance, making it harder to engage in physical activities that are necessary for maintaining health and independence.

As functional ability declines, individuals with a low FFMI may become increasingly reliant on caregivers or need to move into assisted living facilities. The loss of independence can have a profound impact on quality of life, as it not only affects physical health but also mental and emotional well-being.

Reduced Metabolic Health

Muscle mass is a key driver of metabolic health, and a low FFMI often signals poor metabolic function. Muscle tissue plays an essential role in regulating glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and fat storage. When muscle mass is low, it can lead to a range of metabolic problems, increasing the risk for metabolic syndrome, weight gain, and potentially cardiovascular disease.

Muscle is one of the body’s largest consumers of glucose, and low muscle mass diminishes the body’s ability to process glucose efficiently. This can lead to insulin resistance, where the body requires more insulin to manage blood sugar levels. Over time, insulin resistance can progress to type 2 diabetes, a chronic condition that significantly increases the risk of heart disease, kidney failure, and nerve damage.

A low FFMI, indicating low muscle mass, can also contribute to weight gain, as muscle tissue burns more calories than fat even at rest. Individuals with less muscle mass have a slower basal metabolic rate (BMR), making it easier for them to gain weight and harder to maintain a healthy weight. This can lead to obesity, particularly if dietary habits and physical activity levels are not adjusted to account for the reduced metabolic rate.

Impaired Immune Function

Muscle mass plays an essential role in immune system function, and individuals with a low FFMI may have weakened immune responses. Lean tissue stores important amino acids that the body uses to produce immune cells and repair tissues during illness or injury. When muscle mass is low, the body’s reservoir of these essential building blocks is diminished, impairing the immune system’s ability to fight infections and recover from illness.

Muscle tissue serves as a reservoir for amino acids, which are crucial for the production of antibodies and other immune system components. When the body is under stress, such as during an illness or infection, it relies on this reserve to mount an effective immune response. With low muscle mass, fewer amino acids are available, which can result in slower recovery times, weaker immune responses, and an increased risk of complications from infections.

A low FFMI can leave individuals more vulnerable to infections and other health challenges. This is especially concerning for older adults, who may already have weakened immune systems. Individuals with low muscle mass are more likely to experience longer recovery periods after illness and are at a higher risk for conditions such as pneumonia and other infections that can have serious health consequences.

Muscle mass also plays a role in tissue repair after injury or surgery. A low FFMI can delay healing and lead to longer hospital stays or more complications following surgery. This is particularly critical for older adults or those with chronic health conditions, as muscle mass supports recovery by providing the body with the nutrients and energy needed to heal.

Ultimately, having a low FFMI signals a deficiency in muscle mass, which can have serious health implications. From the increased risk of sarcopenia and frailty to compromised metabolic health and immune function, low muscle mass can lead to a series of health problems. Older adults are particularly vulnerable, as low FFMI often tends to predict reduced mobility, higher risk of falls, and loss of independence.

Health Implications of a High FFMI

While the exact bottom end of the FFMI range is a little bit ill defined, the top end of the range is a lot clearer. While a high FFMI is generally favourable, excessively high levels of muscle mass can introduce health risks, particularly when achieved through unnatural means such as anabolic steroid use.

While having more muscle mass is typically linked to strength, metabolic health, and overall fitness, there is a limit to how much muscle mass is considered healthy. You can have too much of a good thing. Excessive muscle mass (FFMI scores exceed natural limits (around ~25 for men and ~22 for women)), may actually result in worse health.

Joint Stress and Musculoskeletal Issues

Carrying excessive muscle mass places a significant amount of strain on the joints, particularly in the knees, hips, and lower back. These joints are responsible for supporting the body’s weight and facilitating movement, and the added bulk from extreme muscle mass can cause long-term wear and tear on these structures.

The greater the muscle mass, the more pressure is exerted on the cartilage and tendons around joints. Over time, this can lead to joint pain, reduced range of motion, and an increased risk of osteoarthritis.

Athletes and bodybuilders with extremely high FFMI scores may be more susceptible to chronic joint issues, including degeneration of cartilage and connective tissue damage, due to the sustained heavy loads their bodies must support during both training and regular activities.

While muscle mass enhances strength, it can also lead to a reduction in flexibility and mobility, particularly if muscle mass is extreme. This can cause stiffness and limit joint movement, impairing everyday functionality and increasing the risk of injuries.

Cardiovascular Strain

While muscle mass in and of itself is not harmful, individuals with an excessively high FFMI may experience cardiovascular strain, particularly if their focus on muscle building comes at the expense of building their cardiovascular fitness. Large amounts of muscle require more oxygen and blood flow, which can place additional stress on the heart and circulatory system.

Muscle tissue demands a significant amount of oxygen and nutrients to function. As muscle mass increases, the heart must work harder to pump blood and deliver oxygen to the tissues. For individuals with a very high FFMI, this can place strain on the cardiovascular system, especially if they have not conditioned their cardiovascular fitness to match their muscle growth.

Without a balance between muscle mass and cardiovascular health, individuals with an excessively high FFMI may face increased risks of hypertension (high blood pressure), heart attacks, and strokes. It is important to integrate aerobic exercise alongside resistance training to ensure the heart remains strong and healthy in response to the additional demands of more muscle tissue.

The Effects of Anabolic Steroid Use on Health and Longevity

We can’t discuss the ill effects of a high FFMI without touching on the topic of anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs. One of the main ways individuals artificially boost their FFMI beyond natural limits is through the use of anabolic steroids. While steroids can significantly increase muscle mass and lead to unnaturally high FFMI scores, they come with a host of long-term health risks. Anabolic steroid use is associated with cardiovascular disease, organ damage, hormonal imbalances, and even psychological issues.

Cardiovascular Disease

One of the most concerning side effects of steroid use is the increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Steroids can lead to high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, and changes in the structure of the heart, all of which elevate the risk of heart-related complications.

Steroid use is known to reduce HDL (“good cholesterol”) and increase LDL (“bad cholesterol”), contributing to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis. This significantly increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Chronic steroid use can cause left ventricular hypertrophy, a condition where the heart muscle thickens, making it harder for the heart to pump blood efficiently. Over time, this can lead to heart failure or sudden cardiac events.

Hormonal Disruption

Steroids interfere with the body’s natural hormonal balance, leading to a range of endocrine issues. The body’s natural production of testosterone is suppressed, which can have significant consequences for both men and women.

In men, long-term steroid use can lead to testicular atrophy (shrinkage of the testicles), infertility, and erectile dysfunction. In women, the effects can include menstrual irregularities, voice deepening, and the development of male characteristics such as facial hair.

Liver and Kidney Damage

Steroids, particularly when used at high doses, can be toxic to the liver and kidneys, leading to organ damage over time. This can result in liver disease, kidney failure, and other serious complications.

Oral anabolic steroids are especially hard on the liver, as they must pass through the liver during metabolism. Over time, steroid use can lead to liver inflammation, tumours, and liver failure.

Steroids also place a heavy burden on the kidneys, increasing the risk of kidney dysfunction and kidney disease. The kidneys work to filter toxins from the blood, and excessive use of steroids can overwhelm these organs, leading to long-term damage.

Psychological Effects and Body Dysmorphia

You would think that the most muscular among us would have the least amount of body dysmorphia, but this is usually the opposite of reality. Many individuals who push their FFMI to unnaturally high levels may suffer from body dysmorphic disorders, particularly muscle dysmorphia.

This is a psychological condition in which individuals become obsessed with building muscle and often feel that their physique is inadequate, no matter how muscular they become. This can lead to unhealthy behaviours, including the overuse of steroids, excessive exercise, and restrictive dieting.

The psychological pressure to maintain or achieve an extreme physique can contribute to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. These individuals may become consumed by their appearance and the pursuit of muscle mass at the expense of other areas of their lives, leading to relationship strain, work disruptions, and an overall decline in mental health.

Ultimately, while a higher FFMI is generally beneficial for physical strength, performance, and health, there are limits to how much muscle mass is healthy. Individuals with excessively high FFMI scores, particularly those achieved through anabolic steroid use, may face health risks, including joint stress, cardiovascular strain, hormonal imbalances, and organ damage. Additionally, the psychological impact of pursuing extreme muscle mass can lead to body dysmorphia and unhealthy behaviours.

However, some people may naturally have higher FFMI due to favourable genetics, even without the use of steroids or PEDs. These individuals often have superior muscle-building potential due to unique genetic traits, such as a higher proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibres, superior muscle protein synthesis, lower myostatin levels, hormonal differences or various other reasons. These individuals may not experience ill health effects of having a lot of muscle, although they might. It is hard to say for certain, as so few people are actually genetically capable of achieving an FFMI of 25 or over. So we just don’t have a lot of data. 

Building muscle mass is important, but maintaining overall health should remain the primary goal for most, rather than simply maximising FFMI at the cost of other aspects of health. A healthy FFMI falls within a range that reflects a balance between muscle mass and overall body health. While an FFMI of 25 is often considered the natural limit for men, this number is not absolute and may be exceeded by those with superior genetics or those who use PEDs. Maintaining an FFMI within the above-average to exceptional range is ideal for most people seeking improved strength, performance, and metabolic health, although you can still see positive health benefits with FFMIs in the average range.

FFMI and Sports

I know not all of you want to calculate your FFMI so you can assess your health, and you instead want to use it for sports related reasons. Muscle mass is obviously related to sporting performance in many ways, so being able to accurately measure how much muscle mass you actually have relative to your height, and being able to compare this to others is really helpful. 

While muscle mass plays a key role in sports that rely on strength, power, and explosive performance, its importance can vary widely depending on the specific sport and even position/role/play-style within that sport. So, we need to just discuss this a little bit further to truly be able to discuss the utility of FFMI in a sporting context. 

Why FFMI is Important for Athletes

For athletes, FFMI serves as a more targeted measure of body composition than weight, body fat, or body mass index, as it focuses on lean body mass (muscle, bone, water) relative to height, and thus allows you to better assess how much muscle mass an athlete has. 

Muscle mass is one of the most important factors in determining an athlete's physical capabilities, particularly in sports that require strength, power, and explosiveness. A higher FFMI often correlates with better performance in these areas because muscle mass contributes to force production, which is key in movements like sprinting, jumping, and lifting. 

In sports like weightlifting, bodybuilding, and American football, muscle mass directly impacts an athlete’s ability to generate maximum strength and explosive power. Athletes with higher FFMI scores typically excel in these sports because greater muscle mass allows for higher force output. 

In contrast, endurance sports (such as long-distance running or cycling) require athletes to prioritise efficiency over sheer muscle mass. Having a lower FFMI is often advantageous because it allows athletes to maintain leaner physiques, reducing the overall energy cost of prolonged activity. In these cases, the balance between muscle mass and endurance is key to success. The emphasis in these sports is on muscle efficiency rather than sheer mass, as carrying excess muscle can be counterproductive by increasing the energy cost of movement.

In sports like basketball, soccer, or rugby, there is a need for both muscle mass (for strength and physicality) and agility (for speed and quick movements). Athletes in these sports often have a moderate FFMI that reflects a balance between strength and mobility.

There is also some level of muscle mass required for all sports, to decrease the risk of injury. The more forces the body is exposed to (such as quick turning while sprinting, tackles, dealing with high speeds etc), generally, the higher the need for more muscle to help stabilise the joints.

So, it isn’t a case of always wanting a higher FFMI, it has to make sense for your actual sport. 

FFMI by Sport

Different sports not only demand different FFMI levels but also encourage specific body compositions that are conducive to performance in each discipline. Here’s a breakdown of how FFMI applies to various types of sports:

FFMI in Strength Sports (Strongman, Powerlifting, Weightlifting, Bodybuilding)

Strength sports like powerlifting, bodybuilding, and strongman competitions emphasise maximum muscle mass and strength development, making a higher FFMI advantageous. Athletes in these sports often have FFMI values above the average, with scores ranging from 22 to 25+ in men, and 19 to 22+ in women at the higher levels. You may see some individuals with lower scores, but generally, these individuals are incredibly well built for the sport (i.e. they have perfect anatomy and thus leverage for the movements).

For bodybuilders, achieving the highest possible level of muscle mass while maintaining minimal body fat is the ultimate goal. This leads to extremely high FFMI scores, especially during the off-season when bodybuilders are bulking (and thus have very topped up glycogen and water stores).

In powerlifting and strongman sports, muscle mass directly correlates with the ability to lift heavier weights. Athletes in these fields aim for a higher FFMI because larger muscles mean greater strength capacity. However, unlike bodybuilders, powerlifters and strongmen don’t generally prioritise low body fat, unless they are trying to stay within a certain weight class.

FFMI in Endurance Sports (Running, Cycling)

In endurance sports, carrying excessive muscle mass can be a hindrance because it increases the energy expenditure needed for prolonged activity. As a result, athletes in endurance sports like marathon running, triathlons, and road cycling tend to have lower FFMI scores. Male endurance athletes typically have FFMI values between 18 and 20, while female athletes are often in the 15 to 17 range.

Distance runners, especially marathoners, benefit from leaner and lighter physiques. A lower FFMI allows them to be more efficient in using oxygen and burning energy, leading to better endurance performance.

In cycling, particularly in long-distance events like the Tour de France, muscle mass is important but must be carefully balanced. Cyclists need to be strong enough to maintain power output during sprints and climbs but lean enough to minimise excess weight.

Endurance sports athletes need to carefully balance having enough muscle to maintain optimal power output and prevent injury, with the fact that generally being lighter means that they have to do less work overall (i.e. they have to carry less weight) which means their endurance may be better. This is a delicate balancing act.

FFMI in Team Sports (American Football, Basketball, Soccer)

Team sports like American football, basketball, and soccer require a combination of strength, speed, and agility. Athletes in these sports typically aim for a moderate FFMI that allows them to excel at explosive movements without sacrificing speed or mobility.

In American football, particularly for positions like offensive and defensive linemen, athletes often have high FFMI values (22-25+) because their roles demand strength and the ability to block or tackle with force. However, skill positions like wide receivers or cornerbacks require a balance of strength and speed, so these athletes may have lower FFMI values (20-22).

Basketball players benefit from a moderate FFMI (around 19-22) to maintain strength for physical contact while also keeping their bodies agile and quick. Muscle mass is important for jumping, sprinting, and endurance, but excessive mass can hinder mobility and speed on the court.

Soccer players need to balance muscle mass with endurance and agility. Players often have a lean build with an FFMI of around 18-22, depending on their position. Defenders and midfielders may have higher FFMI values due to their physical roles, while wingers and forwards may prioritise speed and agility, keeping their muscle mass more moderate.

Monitoring FFMI for Optimal Performance

For athletes, tracking FFMI can provide valuable insights into how their training and nutrition are influencing muscle growth. Coaches and athletes can use FFMI as a benchmark to fine-tune their training programs and dietary intake, ensuring that muscle mass aligns with performance goals.

Monitoring FFMI can help athletes ensure they are gaining/maintaining lean mass in line with their goals. For instance, if an athlete’s FFMI stagnates, they may need to adjust their training intensity or nutrition to optimise muscle growth. Similarly, if their FFMI starts going down, they may need to focus more attention on muscle retention strategies. Monitoring FFMI throughout the season and across the year can help to keep muscle mass at an ideal level and ensure recovery is in a good place. 

Monitoring FFMI also helps in injury prevention. Athletes who drop too low in FFMI may be at risk for muscle imbalances or weakness, while those with excessive FFMI might face excess joint stress and overuse injuries.

FFMI is often used as a predictor of athletic potential in strength and power sports, but its usefulness is more limited in sports where skill, endurance, agility, tactical intelligence, and mental endurance are more critical. While muscle mass is important, critics argue that FFMI sometimes places too much emphasis on size and strength, downplaying other key factors in athletic success. 

Sports like soccer, basketball, and tennis rely on these factors far more than on sheer muscle size alone. In these sports, athletes with lower FFMI scores may still outperform those with higher FFMI if they excel in speed, skill, strategy or some other valuable skill. This is probably most apparent in combat sports, where skill regularly beats size and strength (especially in combat sports like BJJ).

FFMI is an important metric for athletes, but its relevance depends largely on the specific demands of the sport. Strength and power athletes benefit from higher FFMI values, while endurance athletes require leaner physiques with lower FFMI to excel. Team sports present a middle ground, where athletes need a balance between muscle mass and endurance capabilities. 

Ultimately, FFMI is a useful tool for tracking muscle development and body composition, but it should be used alongside other factors (such as sports specific skill, knowledge, endurance, and agility) to create a more complete picture of an athlete’s potential.

We generally recommend that athletes use FFMI to ensure they are gaining/maintaining an optimal level of muscle mass for their sport. You ideally want to try at least to be within the rough ballpark FFMI range for your sport/position/role. FFMI is also useful for fine-tuning protocols and strategies, so muscle is being gained when it needs to be, and muscle isn’t being lost during more intensive periods of competition. 

Interpreting Your Results

Now, you have had a chance to use the free FFMI calculator, and you have read up on FFMI, and before I wrap up this article, I just want to touch on a few things related to how you should interpret your FFMI results.

FFMI is a valuable tool for analysing and tracking your body composition, especially in relation to muscle mass. It can help paint a clearer picture of your muscular development relative to your height, and relative to other people in the general population or within a specific population (i.e. a specific sporting cohort). So, understanding your FFMI allows you to set more realistic goals, track your progress, and make necessary adjustments to your training and nutrition plan. But only if you use the data correctly. 

While I can’t perfectly walk you through your individual results (that is reserved for my coaching clients), I can give you a very rough framework for interpreting and understanding your results. 

Clarify Your Personal Goals

Interpreting your results depends on your specific health and fitness goals. The only way you can accurately interpret your FFMI results is in the context of your goals. Naturally, someone who has the goal of being a competitive bodybuilder is going to want to maximise their FFMI, whereas someone who is interested in endurance sports may want to actively avoid building more muscle and thus will want to keep their FFMI lower. 

So you must be clear on your goals first and foremost, as this will allow you to interpret your results correctly. This is not the place to go through extensive goal setting here, but if you do need help with this, then coaching is probably the right option for you.


Compare Your FFMI to Standard Ranges

Once you are clear on your goals, you can then compare your FFMI to the standard ranges for those goals. If your goal is health, then compare it to the general healthy FFMI range. If your goal is performance in a particular sport, then compare it to the FFMI ranges for that sport. 

Knowing how you stack up against people in a similar position will allow you to much more accurately create a plan of action to accomplish your goals. 

However, just because you are within the optimal FFMI range doesn’t tell you everything, as you also generally want to be within the right range of body fat for your goals too (you can calculate your body fat level with our body fat calculator).

Assess Potential Health Risks

Your FFMI can give insight into potential health risks, especially if you fall into the very low or extremely high FFMI categories. You ideally want to try and be in the top end of the average category up to the top end of the exceptional range. This is generally associated with robust health and longevity, compared with being either below this range or potentially even above this range.

For most people, having a low FFMI is more likely, and thus this is generally the bigger health risk. Most people don’t exercise and are severely under-muscled, especially if you look at things from a longevity perspective (where having more muscle mass provides a sort of physiological pension you can draw down from in old age). You generally want to err on the side of having too much muscle rather than having too little.

Create a Plan Of Action

Once you are clear on your goals, and you have a better understanding of where your FFMI is in relation to those goals, you can then create a plan of action to help move you closer to your goals. This is obviously beyond the scope of this article, but we do have a LOT of free content that will help you to better organise a plan of action. 

For most people, building an optimal amount of muscle mass and achieving an optimal FFMI score mostly comes down to optimising their resistance training program and eating a well balanced diet that has sufficient protein and calories. 

Monitor Changes Over Time

Once you have a plan in place, you can use our FFMI calculator to track changes in your FFMI over time. Regularly monitoring your FFMI can help you see the progress you're making with your health, fitness, and/or body composition.

Following these steps will hopefully help you to better interpret your FFMI results. 

As a final note, I do just want to reiterate that FFMI is just one metric of body composition and doesn’t necessarily equate to aesthetic preferences, athletic performance or health. Having a higher FFMI doesn’t guarantee a physique that aligns with specific aesthetic goals, as factors like body fat distribution and proportions also play a role in overall appearance. Just having a lot of muscle doesn’t mean you will be a stud athlete or that you will have robust health. So FFMI doesn’t tell us everything and should be interpreted in conjunction with other metrics and an overall lifestyle assessment.

Free FFMI Calculator Conclusion

Our free FFMI calculator has hopefully allowed you to get an estimation of your FFMI, normalised FFMI and which FFMI category you fall into. This can be really helpful when trying to really dial in your plan of action for your exercise and nutrition. The calculator isn't perfect, and it is only as accurate as the inputs, but it should hopefully be enough to point you in the right direction with things.

If you want to really optimise your diet and exercise to improve your FFMI, or to keep it within the ranges you want, we can help you do this. You can reach out to us and get online coaching, or alternatively, you can interact with our free content.

If you want more free information on nutrition and exercise, you can follow us on Instagram, YouTube or listen to the podcast, where we discuss all the little intricacies of exercise and nutrition. You can always stay up to date with our latest content by subscribing to our newsletter.

Finally, if you want to learn how to coach nutrition, then consider our Nutrition Coach Certification course, and if you want to learn to get better at exercise program design, then consider our course on exercise program design. We do have other courses available too. If you don’t understand something, or you just need clarification, you can always reach out to us on Instagram or via email.

References and Further Reading

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Paddy Farrell

Hey, I'm Paddy!

I am a coach who loves to help people master their health and fitness. I am a personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and I have a degree in Biochemistry and Biomolecular Science. I have been coaching people for over 10 years now.

When I grew up, you couldn't find great health and fitness information, and you still can't really. So my content aims to solve that!

I enjoy training in the gym, doing martial arts and hiking in the mountains (around Europe, mainly). I am also an avid reader of history, politics and science. When I am not in the mountains, exercising or reading, you will likely find me in a museum.