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stress management


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When we grew up, you couldn’t easily find or access good, evidence-based information about health and fitness. Even to this day, you can’t really find good information, and you have to wade through a lot of misinformation and downright incorrect information to find the answers to your questions. You also can’t find all the information you want, all conveniently in one place. It is scattered across a million different websites and social media pages. 

Our goal with our free content is to create a place where you can easily find the information you need, without all the fluff or nonsense. We have been incredibly lucky to have a thriving online coaching business, that allows us to dedicate time to creating educational content. We hope you find what you are looking for and ultimately derive some benefit from our content. 

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Latest Posts

Understanding Momentum and Inertia On Cable Machines

Understanding Momentum and Inertia On Cable Machines

Momentum and inertia may not be things you typically think about when you are designing a training program or are actually performing an exercise. However, momentum and inertia are actually quite important things to consider when discussing exercise. So, while this...

Tricep Rope Pressdowns – Proper Technique and Modifications

Tricep Rope Pressdowns – Proper Technique and Modifications

Tricep rope pressdowns are very effective for building the triceps, and today we're going to discuss how to perform them effectively and then go through a couple of different variations of tricep rope pressdowns. Just to give you guys an idea of what different tools...

Prone Row (Seal Row) Proper Set Up

Prone Row (Seal Row) Proper Set Up

The prone row (often called the seal row), is an exercise that many people use to grow their back musculature. However, to use it effectively, you do actually need to set it up correctly. The prone row can be a phenomenal exercise for developing the upper back, if...

Heart Adaptations To Exercise

Heart Adaptations To Exercise

There are specific heart adaptations to exercise, and these are very often poorly understood. So, in this article, I am going to be discussing these heart adaptations and what they mean for you. I'm going to be discussing the heart with an emphasis on exercise, and in...

Standardising NEAT To Enhance Body Composition And Health

Standardising NEAT To Enhance Body Composition And Health

Standardising your NEAT is incredibly important, yet many people don't actually do it. NEAT is your Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, the component of your metabolism that accounts for all the little movements you do throughout the day. All of the non-exercise...

Bench Press Masterclass: How To Set Up Correctly

Bench Press Masterclass: How To Set Up Correctly

Today we're going to talk through some of the variables at play during the flat bench press. This is an important one to really think about what your client's goal actually is, because if your client's goal is to come into the gym for general health, maybe build a bit...

Using The Incline Bench Press For The Upper Chest

Using The Incline Bench Press For The Upper Chest

Most people are generally aware that when we want to train the upper pec, the clavicular part of the pec, you are probably going to be told that you should be using the incline bench press, or at least some sort of incline pressing variation. This is generally sound...

How To Use Micro-Progressions In The Gym

How To Use Micro-Progressions In The Gym

Today, I want to talk to you about progressive overload but specifically how to use micro-progressions in the gym. This is one of the most neglected concepts in the gym. Everyone talks about progressive overload, and what they're often talking about is adding 5, 10,...

10 Muscle-Building Diet Tips

10 Muscle-Building Diet Tips

We coach a lot of people, helping them to get bigger stronger and to build muscle, and in this article, we are going to discuss 10 muscle-building diet tips we very frequently utilise with those muscle-gain clients. One of the biggest issues that you're going to...

5 Muscle Building Supplements That Actually Work

5 Muscle Building Supplements That Actually Work

Are there any muscle-building supplements that actually work? You don't want to waste your hard-earned cash on supplements that simply don't work, so what does actually work? I'm a performance nutritionist, and today, I'm going to run through five supplements that...

What Types Of Fat Should You Be Eating

What Types Of Fat Should You Be Eating

What types of fat should you be eating? There is so much noise out there on this topic, and it can be incredibly difficult for the average person to actually know what types of fats they should be including in their diet and if they should be avoiding other types. So...

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