Why Exercise Is Important

Why Exercise Is Important

Most people are aware that exercise is important. But most aren’t aware of just how important it is. They don’t understand just how fundamental exercise is to the lived experience. Exercise is often seen as an afterthought, which is funny because movement is more...
Heart Adaptations To Exercise

Heart Adaptations To Exercise

There are specific heart adaptations to exercise, and these are very often poorly understood. So, in this article, I am going to be discussing these heart adaptations and what they mean for you. I’m going to be discussing the heart with an emphasis on exercise,...
What Types Of Fat Should You Be Eating

What Types Of Fat Should You Be Eating

What types of fat should you be eating? There is so much noise out there on this topic, and it can be incredibly difficult for the average person to actually know what types of fats they should be including in their diet and if they should be avoiding other types. So...
Heart Rate Zones Calculator

Heart Rate Zones Calculator

We very often use heart rate zones with our coaching clients, and we often discuss various heart rate zone-based training protocols in our content, so we created a free heart rate zones calculator to allow you to calculate your own heart rate zones! Heart rate zones...
Understanding Heart Rate Zones

Understanding Heart Rate Zones

You may have heard people discuss heart rate zones with respect to running training, endurance training, or even cardio training in the gym. And you may be unsure what these heart rate zones actually means, and what they can be used for. So that is what we aim to get...
Can You Be Too Fit?

Can You Be Too Fit?

Can you be too fit for your health? That’s the question that we’re going to answer today and the reason I want to answer this question is not because there are loads of people out there thinking that they shouldn’t exercise because it’s...