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Pillars of Health

How to set up your diet


Learn how to set up your diet for long term success!

understanding exercise


Learn about all things exercise, and how to train effectively for your goals!

sleep hygiene


Learn how to set up your sleep hygiene so you can get good sleep consistently!

stress management


Learn more about what stress is and how to better manage your stress!

When we grew up, you couldn’t easily find or access good, evidence-based information about health and fitness. Even to this day, you can’t really find good information, and you have to wade through a lot of misinformation and downright incorrect information to find the answers to your questions. You also can’t find all the information you want, all conveniently in one place. It is scattered across a million different websites and social media pages. 

Our goal with our free content is to create a place where you can easily find the information you need, without all the fluff or nonsense. We have been incredibly lucky to have a thriving online coaching business, that allows us to dedicate time to creating educational content. We hope you find what you are looking for and ultimately derive some benefit from our content. 

If you want even more content than what we have here on the website, you can follow us on Instagram, YouTube or listen to the podcast. You can always stay up to date with our latest content by subscribing to our newsletter

Latest Posts

Understanding Reps

Understanding Reps

Understanding reps is essential to understanding resistance training. After all, a workout is just a collection of reps. If you optimise the rep, you are well on your way to effective training. However, to optimise your reps, first you have to actually build out your...

Exercise Selection, Variety and Ordering

Exercise Selection, Variety and Ordering

Exercise selection is something that a lot of people overthink. You would think that it would be easy to answer the question "What exercise should I choose?" But, it is actually quite nuanced, and it can leave people scratching their heads wondering what to do. I...

Resistance Training For Muscle & Strength

Resistance Training For Muscle & Strength

Before you can get stuck into the specifics around optimising resistance training for muscle and strength gain, you have to understand a bit more about why resistance training is useful for building muscle and strength. Then you can understand how best to optimise...

Exercise Guidelines

Exercise Guidelines

Having clear exercise guidelines is incredibly helpful. Most people struggle with training because they are just so unsure of what to do. The fact that society has led people to believe that they don’t have to exercise (as if it isn’t a fundamental need), means that...

The Types of Exercise

The Types of Exercise

Understanding the types of exercise is incredibly helpful when designing an exercise program. These are the tools you are going to use to get the results you desire. So knowing what tools you have available and what those tools can be used for, is naturally going to...

The Goals Of Exercise

The Goals Of Exercise

Understanding the goals of exercise can really help you to make sense of an exercise program, and why you should include certain things in a program. Exercise is one of the pillars of “your best self”, although it is often the one that is neglected the most. Most...

Why Exercise Is Important

Why Exercise Is Important

Most people are aware that exercise is important. But most aren’t aware of just how important it is. They don’t understand just how fundamental exercise is to the lived experience. Exercise is often seen as an afterthought, which is funny because movement is more...

The Triage Ultimate Guide To Nutrition While Travelling

The Triage Ultimate Guide To Nutrition While Travelling

Staying on point with your nutrition while travelling can be quite challenging and this is something that a lot of our clients have dealt with, so we have had to come up with comprehensive systems to deal with this. This article is going to mainly deal with the actual...

Science of Hybrid Training: How to Balance Lifting & Running

Science of Hybrid Training: How to Balance Lifting & Running

Bench 100kg in the morning, run 10km in the afternoon. Sounds good, right? The trainee that can lift and run well earns my respect, as they have exhibited physical prowess in two disciplines, which is no easy feat. This is referred to as ‘hybrid training’, which has...

Why Clean Eating Is Stopping You From Losing Fat

Why Clean Eating Is Stopping You From Losing Fat

You may be wondering why clean eating is stopping you from losing fat, when the vast majority of health and fitness influencers are telling you that you need to eat a healthy diet to lose fat. How could eating healthy food possibly lead you to struggle with fat loss?...

Eating On The Go: Tesco Meal Deal

Eating On The Go: Tesco Meal Deal

Hello everybody, it's Coach Brian here, back with another "Ultimate Guide", this time discussing the "Tesco Meal Deal". As always, the point of these guides is so that we can empower people to be able to make the best choices for their goals in any food environment....

Is Collagen Protein Worth Taking?

Is Collagen Protein Worth Taking?

Hey everybody, it's Brian here, coach and nutritionist at Triage Method, and today I'm going to be talking to you about collagen protein, and answering the question, "Is collagen protein worth taking?" Collagen protein is something that is often discussed in the...

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When we grew up, you couldn’t easily find good quality health and fitness advice, so we wanted to create a free resource where anyone could find good quality, scientifically accurate and practically  relevant information. We believe we have created this with the podcast, and we hope you do too.

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We often create content that is best explained via video format. These videos go on our YouTube channel, along with the video recording of the podcast and snippets from the podcast. If you prefer video content over written content, then subscribing to our YouTube channel is your best bet!



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