Triage Method health performance and body composition experts

Learn how to optimise your health, body composition and performance with science-backed information you can trust.


Want to become a better Coach? We have world-class certification courses that teach you how to coach someone to improve their health and fitness.



Need help achieving your goals? We have a world-class, multi-disciplinary team that can help you accomplish your health, body-composition and performance goals.


Health and fitness information you can trust!

No fluff or hidden agendas. We want you to have access to the information you need to get the results you want! 

plate loaded seated row

Free Content

You must really engross yourself in all of this health and fitness stuff if you want to maximise your knowledge. We provide longer form written content on various topics in this space, so you can really dive deep on all things health and fitness. We believe knowledge should be free and easily accessible, and this is where you will find it!

Triage Thoughts Podcast

When we were growing up, you couldn’t easily find good quality health and fitness advice, so we wanted to create a free resource where anyone could find good quality, scientifically accurate and practically  relevant information. We believe we have created this with the podcast, and we hope you do too.

Triage YouTube

We often create content that is best explained via video format. These videos go on our YouTube channel, along with the video recording of the podcast and snippets from the podcast. If you prefer video content over written content, then subscribing to our YouTube channel is your best bet!



We put out a LOT of content on Instagram. Shorter and more to the point posts, where you get the actionable information without having to spend ages reading or watching content to get the answers you need. If you enjoy our content, and you want to get more content regularly, this is where you should go!

Latest Posts

How to Identify and Address Limiting Beliefs in Your Clients

How to Identify and Address Limiting Beliefs in Your Clients

As a health and fitness coach, you’ve probably noticed something interesting about your clients. Some seem to hit their stride quickly, while others struggle despite having the same knowledge, resources, and support. Often, the difference isn’t physical; it’s mental....

Setting Process Goals Rather Than Outcome Goals With Clients

Setting Process Goals Rather Than Outcome Goals With Clients

Setting process goals rather than outcome goals with your clients will lead you to get better results with your clients. If you’re a newer coach in the health and fitness space, you’ve probably heard clients say things like, “I want to lose 20 pounds” or “I want to...

Coaching Career Development Timeline

Coaching Career Development Timeline

Coaching career development can be tricky. When you decide to become a health and fitness coach, you’re not just stepping into a job, you’re entering a profession that has the power to transform lives. This may seem trite or hyperbolic, but it is the reality. Coaching...

Understanding Food Selection

Understanding Food Selection

While we can get into the intricacies of nutritional biochemistry to try and really optimise our diet quality, this generally isn’t necessary. Instead, we can use good food selection practices to ensure our diet quality is high.  But to do that, you have to actually...

Helping Vegans Eat Enough Protein Case Study

Helping Vegans Eat Enough Protein Case Study

A frequent challenge many nutrition coaches face is helping vegans eat enough protein. While plant-based diets are packed with health benefits, they often require a more deliberate approach to achieve the right balance of macronutrients, especially protein. This case...

Understanding The Nutrition All Or Nothing Mindset

Understanding The Nutrition All Or Nothing Mindset

If you've ever embarked on a new nutrition plan or diet, chances are you've felt the lure of the nutrition all or nothing mindset. You start out strong, ready to overhaul your eating habits entirely. You might be thinking, “I’m cutting out sugar completely,” or “No...

What Can Stoicism Teach Us About Nutrition?

What Can Stoicism Teach Us About Nutrition?

What can stoicism teach us about nutrition? When you think about nutrition, the connection to an ancient philosophy like Stoicism might not be immediately obvious. Yet, the principles of Stoicism do actually offer us some rather profound lessons that can transform the...

Habit Formation vs. Habit Disruption

Habit Formation vs. Habit Disruption

Habit formation vs habit disruption; which should you focus on? When you’re coaching clients to make lasting changes in their health, fitness, and overall lifestyle, one of the biggest challenges is addressing their habits. Habits, both good and bad, have a profound...