Expand your knowledge of all things nutrition! 

Get better results, faster.

Nutrition is one of the pillars of health, yet it’s often misunderstood, overcomplicated or even oversimplified. While most people understand that what they eat impacts their health, how to actually eat and maintain a healthy diet is incredibly challenging for most people.

Nutrition often feels like an incredibly complicated thing to get right, because there is so much noise in this area. From health and fitness influencers telling you one thing, to different government, science or health bodies each telling you something different. Knowing what and how much to eat can seem overwhelming.

It’s also easy to see why nutrition might seem straightforward to some people, as everyone eats every day, and the immediate effects of food choices are often apparent. But the long-term impact of your nutritional habits is profound and can either support or undermine your health in ways that may not be immediately visible. Unfortunately, many people fall into the trap of focusing on short-term diets or trendy eating plans, rather than developing a deep understanding of how to nourish their bodies effectively for life.

Unfortunately, to solve this, many nutrition professionals overly focus on the raw science of nutrition, and forget that we all want to actually live our lives and not be beholden to strict dietary practices. Good nutrition practices are not just about hitting calorie goals or including/avoiding certain foods; they’re about creating a balanced approach that supports your overall well-being and that you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life. 

The goal of this nutrition page is to give you a comprehensive resource to help you understand how to nourish your body effectively, using evidence-based information and the latest nutritional science, while staying firmly grounded in the real world. Our goal is not just to tell you what to eat, but to help you understand why certain nutritional practices are beneficial and how to fit them into your life. We want to empower you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your diet, so you can create a sustainable, healthy eating pattern that works for your unique needs and lifestyle.

We believe that empowerment through education is the key to long-term success with all of this health and fitness stuff. Most people only engage with nutrition through rigid diets or restrictive plans, which can lead to frustration and a lack of results. Without a foundational understanding of nutrition, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest fad or to struggle with conflicting information. This often results in unsustainable habits and, ultimately, a lack of progress toward your health goals.

Our aim is to help you build a nutritional strategy that you can maintain for life. By understanding the principles of nutrition, you’ll be better equipped to make adjustments as needed, ensuring that your eating habits support your overall health, even as your life and needs change. With a solid grasp of nutrition fundamentals, you’ll be less likely to fall for diet trends and more likely to make choices that truly benefit your health long term.

This is the very same way we coach people, because we ultimately want all our coaching clients to not need us by the end of coaching. We want them to be able to coach themselves, and the only way we can ensure that they can do that is by ensuring they have a good understanding of the principles behind nutrition. They don’t need to be experts, but you would be surprised at how far you can go with just a fundamental understanding of nutrition principles. 


becoming your best self

This page is part of our fundamentals series, where we house our content on the key pillars of building “your best self”. Being your best self means you are able to engage with the world how you want to engage with the world and ultimately, accomplish the goals you have in life. Regardless of what that actually looks like for you, if you can get the pillars set up correctly, you give yourself the best opportunities to accomplish everything you want to in this life. 

The foundations of the broader society you find yourself in also matter, as do the genetics you were born with or the biology you were born with or acquired (your “biology” could change due to accident or injury, for example, you may have become paralysed, and thus your “biology” has changed), as does your mental and spiritual health, and of course, the health of your local community and support systems. However, much of the foundations are out of our active control, but we can work to set up the pillars as best we can, given the circumstances we find ourselves in. On this page, we discuss nutrition, but we do also have pages on exercise, sleep and stress

If you want more free information on nutrition, you can follow us on Instagram, YouTube or listen to the podcast, where we discuss all the little intricacies of exercise, nutrition and health. We also offer coaching if you need help with your own exercise program or nutrition. Finally, if you want to learn how to coach nutrition, then consider our Nutrition Coach Certification course. If you don’t understand something, or you just need clarification, you can always reach out to us on Instagram or via email. You can always stay up to date with our latest content by subscribing to our newsletter.

How to set up your diet


Learn how to set up your diet for long term success!

understanding exercise


Learn about all things exercise, and how to train effectively for your goals!

sleep hygiene


Learn about all things sleep hygiene, so you can get good sleep consistently!

stress management


Learn more about what stress is and how to better manage your stress!

Foundational Nutrition Knowledge

The following articles will give you a very good baseline understanding of exercise, from why it is important all the way to designing an effective exercise program. You can view this as something like a foundational textbook of how to design an effective exercise program. There is obviously a lot more information to know, but after reading this section, you should have a very good understanding of how to design an effective program and how to tailor it to your needs. 


How To Set Up A Diet

Diet Quantity


Diet Quality


Diet Planning


How To Set Up Your Diet Overview

Nutrition Resources & Tools

Here you will find a variety of resources and tools that can help you with your nutrition and diet. We have many resources and tools planned out, so please do check back frequently to stay up to date with what we are building. 

Additional Nutrition Knowledge

We have a lot of additional nutrition content in the pipeline. If you want to stay up to date with everything as it is built out, please sign up to our newsletter. The newsletter will keep you informed of all our work, and it also gives you an opportunity to interact with us and help guide the content we create. Ultimately, we want this page to be a resource that actually helps YOU, so your input is incredibly valuable. 

You can subscribe to our newsletter HERE.

Case Studies

Nutrition is tricky, and while you can spend a lot of time building out your foundational knowledge, sometimes you do just need to see things in action. Case studies are a phenomenal way to see how to deal with specific challenges, and how to adjust nutrition accordingly. You may have a client dealing with a specific issue, or you may have a specific issue yourself, and seeing a case study on the topic can be really helpful in at least pointing you in the right direction with things. 


Healthy Recipes and Meal Ideas

You can learn all the information in the world about nutrition, but if you don’t actually learn to translate that into something you can actually eat, you aren’t going to succeed. While we certainly are not wizards in the kitchen, we have learned to make some delicious healthy meals over the years. 




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